Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: That Place

In some fairy tales and in a surprising number of more modern tales, I have noticed a theme about a place that's there but kind of not there. It goes by a lot of different names, but the concept is the same. These places are out of phase to our own reality and are usually there to entertain creatures that are not our kin. I'll name a few from popular fiction.

-In Twin Peaks, we have a place called the Black Lodge. It was a place just to the left of what we are able to perceive. To enter into this place was to become a part of it forever. It's a bit like having your soul trapped there. It is not a good place, and you don't want to find it.

-In the same series, there was the White Lodge. On every level, this seems to be the opposing point to the Black Lodge, yet this is still not a place you want to be. The creatures living there may be on the right side, but they are still not human. In a likewise fashion, entering into the White Lodge means you get trapped. Not good. Stay out.

-In the movie Star Trek: Generations, there was the Nexus. It was a place that existed outside of time. Because of its timelessness, simply entering into it would mean that you would be there for eternity. Apparently the Nexus goes out of its way to make you feel happy. It's artificial though. Nothing is real. Don't go in.

-In ancient fairy lore, we can find strange witches or hags that could carry their homes around with them. These homes can sometimes appear out of cold shadows. To enter into one of these cabins would be a mistake. You might not get out. Your soul might be forfeit. In some lore they are considered an actual part of the body of the hag. Going into one of these building could be likened to being devoured. Scary stuff.

-In the video game Death Stranding, this place comes in the form of a beach. It exists between two worlds. It is not a good place. The beach is covered in death. Likewise, if you happen to find yourself there, you will always be there. Stay away from the beach.

-In the woefully disappointing movie for Aeon Flux, there was a room that was out of phase with the rest of reality. Although this was accomplished with technology, that doesn't make it any less significant. It only makes me consider the possibilities of finding places like this that are not of our own making.

In all cases, these places are strange, uncanny, and seem disconnected from our realities. They create an uncanny valley, a sense that we are somewhere we don't belong. What's more... I think these places really exist in some ways. Pray that you do not find them. They are not meant for us.

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  1. In the same way different shows are on different channels yet on the same airwaves, so are different places in the same spot: ALTERNATE FREQUENCIES. Everything created was by the Word: frequency. The strange places are "channels" not meant for our viewing. It seems the timelessness of the places is what makes them inescapable, there being no past or future, only a perpetual NOW. I do believe the angels live in such a state, on the HIGHER frequencies. The demons languish on the lower frequencies.

    1. Yes, this is a frequency thing. All these places are physically present but a certain frequency up or down.

  2. Fiction reflects reality as we know that entities "good or bad" exist on different planes. The black and white lodges were done so great as an example of these different frequencies. These places are not meant for humans, we should not seek them but they sure do make great fiction.

    1. It's interesting that we often considered the White Lodge to be a good place, yet Major Bridge is forever trapped there. That's actually a bad thing even if the Fireman is doing it to save him.

  3. Human existence has its own difficulties. Yet, some people are determined to ensnare themselves further. There are worse things to experience and places to be.

    1. I think places like this do really exist in other frequencies. I also believe people have found them before.
