Monday, June 3, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Breeder Reaction [Short Story Review]

[I completely spoil this story.]

"Breeder Reaction" is a short science fiction story written by Winston K. Marks. It was published in 1954. This one had me scratching my head.

So the whole story is from the perspective of a man working for the advertising wing of a cosmetic company. One of the women there claims she has a new product with a new additive in it that supposedly makes a person look radiant. And the proof is there that it does indeed work. Even so, the guy just doesn't like it and so turns her down, but she tricks him into signing an agreement to do it anyways.

Turns out this stuff works so well that they have to put the special element into all their products which makes everyone... absolutely everyone... become radiant looking. The problem is, however, that this new element has been untested. The testing actually begins after it takes the world by storm.

Hilariously, we find that the untested element just makes people pregnant... somehow. Even men. So now everyone's pregnant. That's pretty much how it ends. It ends with everyone pregnant. Use lipstick and get pregnant. Use shampoo and get pregnant. They even point out that the men will need Cesarean sections just to get the poor babies out. (Right. Yeah. Even Winston didn't wanna go there.)

What in God's name is this author's obsession with pregnancy and men getting pregnant? He did this back with "Unbegotten Child," which I thought was just him pitching his version of evolution. But no! This guy really seems to like or at the very least think a lot about people getting pregnant! Everybody! You, me, your cousin Joe, the president... everybody gets pregnant. Why? Why, I ask you?

Anyways, the story actually wasn't so bad. I recommend it because it's so short, and you might get a chuckle from its delivery. Maybe the guy was just trolling us. I don't know.

This blog was written on May 4, 2024.

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  1. The author obviously has a fetish. There is also an interesting connotation. Women wear cosmetic to attract a mate. On a biological level it is to perpetuate the species... TO BECOME PREGNANT. The story may have proven more meaningful than the author intended.

  2. Something as serious as pregnancy should not be treated in such a flippant manner. Where is the concern for those born from this? Their lives would be difficult ones.

    1. Well, eh... It's just fiction, although super weird.
