Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Forsyte's Retreat [Short Story Review]

[I do not spoil the ending of this story.]

"Forsyte's Retreat" is a short science fiction story written by Winston K. Marks. It was published in 1954.

The story here is about a man named Sextus Forsyte, a man who really does not like being out in the open. He doesn't want fame or fortune. He just wants a job where he can be out of the way where nobody knows or cares about him... like a hotel manager!

The hotel he ended up with was very small, offering something like 250 rooms. But there's a problem. The hotel has been modified so that the elevators can take the guests to the same rooms but at different times in history. Therefore the hotel actually has thousands of rooms available. Despite this, the hotel only has enough employees for if it was just a regular hotel, causing the place to be severely understaffed.

On top of the chaos, the mechanism that allows the hotel to operate in this way is breaking down. This is causing some people to just spontaneously appear in people's rooms as the time field collapses here and there... and Mister Forsyte has to handle all of these complaints.

Now, this story has a hilarious and fun ending, and I think this story is so good that I won't be spoiling it. I do recommend it, and I think you should dig it up and read it. The stories of Winston K. Marks are easy to find. In fact, you might be able to just listen to his stories over YouTube or something. Give this one a read; you won't regret it.

This blog was written on May 6, 2024.

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  1. Interesting premise. Funny that the protagonists wants an uneventful life but ends up with a life of timeless events.

  2. The fascination with time travel tends to focus on how history has been portrayed. What interests me is that human beings have not changed. The trappings are different, but who we are remains constant.
