Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Treasure Island [Book Review]

"Treasure Island" is a book written by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was published in 1883. Apparently the original title was "The Sea Cook: A Story for Boys."

"Treasure Island" is one of the main reason people should read the classics. It has it all: a boy on an adventure, a sea voyage, pirates, a treasure map, an actual treasure, gun fights, sword fights, and many other things that make a story riveting.

This book is also extremely well-paced. It never seems to get stuck. From the moment the book starts, it proceeds from one problem to the next and never meanders too long on any matters. The rather short chapter lengths assist with this as well, constantly keeping you on your toes.

Probably the most notable figure in the book, at least in my opinion, is the main antagonist Long John Silver. He is a man of pure charisma. It is so easy to trust him, even after you know he is a bad fellow. What is worse is that you will actually like him. He's a man who wouldn't think twice about shooting you in the head, but somehow it is so easy to get suckered into his infinite wit and charm. I got to the point that I simply did not want him to die. I wanted the man to have some sort of victory even if it was very small.

Although the boy, Jim Hawkings, is a very good protagonist in this book, I found myself really loving Doctor Livesey. He was a strong and stoic person who lived his life by a set of strict ethics. He was a powerful character, although certainly not the strongest man. He's the sort of person I would have loved to have as a friend.

That's all I really want to say about the book. I don't want to spoil it. It's an extremely easy book to find. It's just about required for every book store to have it on the shelves. I highly recommend this book for anyone seeking an exciting adventure.

This blog was written on June 12, 2024.

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  1. An adventure story that is actually adventurous! It reads like an action movie a generation before motion pictures. It seems the author was mindful to make the characters endearing. That made what happened not only immersive, but personal.

    1. And it ended up inspiring a few movies apparently.

  2. It was very easy to read and quite exciting. You do come to love the characters, even if they do bad things. This is a classic tale in the truest sense.

    1. My dad would agree with you. It's his favorite book.
