Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Lady Killer [Short Story Review]

[Although the author is still active, I still spoil the story since it's a bit old. Avoid if you intend to look this one up.]

"Lady Killer" is a short story written by Donald C. White Jr. It was published in 2012. I know the guy who wrote this. He is a regular commenter on this blog (and he'll probably be replying to this one as well). That said, I won't be sugar coating anything in this review. I owe him that much.

The title of this story is appropriate. It's about a guy who murders women. This is plain and simple, and it is entirely from his perspective. But this perspective is presented in an almost comical manner. It comes across as childish at times, but at least he is consistent. The writing is good enough, but I found it hard not to giggle at some of his dramatic reactions to things. Just imagine a male killer who overdramatizes absolutely everything.

This was almost a reason not to like the story, but don't worry. It gets good and makes up for all of it. The real highlight of the story [and this is the big spoiler] is when you find out about the woman he murders. Well, that is to say... he didn't actually murder her. She was already dead... and a vampire. But wait; there's more!

She's apparently a vampire with a conscience. She only wants to feed on bad people. She's a killer hunter. She wanted him to try and murder her so she would have a clear conscience when she feeds on and murders him back! That is a very satisfying ending, and I totally took it seriously. Good stuff!

I do recommend "Lady Killer," although I can see why some people might have trouble getting past the silly drama that it opens up with. Absolutely forgivable once you get to the end. It actually makes all the perceptible bad writing seem good once you get to the end. I've read a few stories that were like that. It's kind of a rarity these days. Give this one a read if you're curious.

This blog was written on July 18, 2024.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes [Short Story Review]

[I do not spoil the ending of the story.]

"Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes" is a short story written by Harlan Ellison. It was published in 1967. This is a ghost story! I actually have not read hardly any ghost stories in my life. That is to say that I have read stories that have had ghosts in them, but they were not themed entirely around the ghost.

I'll just come out and say it. This is a story about a haunted slot machine at a casino. That's just what it is. And the man who plays it just keeps winning over and over again. That's the fantasy of it. Imagine if you had the angry ghost of a woman inside a slot machine who was messing with the gears so that it would always produce a jackpot. The better question would be: Should you actually be playing this particular machine?!

The ghost, I believe, was a woman named Maggie who was down on her luck. She plays the machine right as she dies. She then, of course, haunts the machine. I do want to say that the author wrote up one of the most compelling, striking, and fun descriptions of this woman before she dies. It packed a huge punch. I even laughed a bit at how almost jazzy the portrayal was. It had a beatnik feel to it, and I liked it.

The main character, a guy named Koster, ends up making a ton of money of this machine. Every time the bars would come up, there was a pair of pretty eyes in between them. Imagine that! It would be a very surreal thing to go through, and the author here paints the scene out so well.

I won't spoil the ending, but I just know that you are going to love it. It's good. It's scary. It's a great ending to a really well-written ghost story. I do recommend it, and I would also like to remark that this was a good story for how it was written, but not necessarily what it was written about. Harlan's fun presentation is why this short story is so good. Give it a try! You'll find it very hard to put down.

This blog was written on July 15, 2024.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Crossroads [Short Story Review]

[Minor spoilers. I give the gist of the ending as well.]

"Crossroads" is a short story written by Kerry Lown Whalen. It was published in 2012.

The story is about a guy involved in illegal drugs, trying to pull his life together for the sake of his girlfriend. He wants to make a change, but these things are hard to pull out of realistically.

Most of the stories in the collection I got this from are very dark and pointless. This story actually was about a guy sincerely trying to fix his life. He does actually do it as well, but it's how he does it that is what makes it so interesting.

Even so, this story does still feel like it comes from a place where the world just kind of sucks. Even if these characters do well for themselves, I still see them as terminally flawed. But at the very least, it looks like they are making an effort, and that is more than I can hope for most people I see in these stories.

I do recommend "Crossroads." It's a good title for this one as well. It makes me think about a number of crossroads I've had in my own life.

This blog was written on July 15, 2024.

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect [Video Game Review]

"TimeSplitters: Future Perfect" is a video game developed by Free Radical Design. It was released in 2005. It is the third and final game in the "TimeSplitters" trilogy.

This game feels a lot more like a modern shooter. The first two games had a weird sort of wobbly fine aiming mechanic. The aiming thing was a leftover from the old "Goldeneye 007" and "Perfect Dark" days. The new aiming scheme was a sort of iron sight/zoom mechanic, which is more like what the newer games utilize. It was a welcome addition.

Another new aspect was the very linier story which flowed like most other games at the time. Instead of giving the player a map with a list of objectives, you are mostly always on a linier path, taking on enemies as you go. It works well enough, but it does distinguish it from the first to games quite a bit.

The story takes place right after the ending of "TimeSplitters 2," but you will very quickly realize a very notable change. Everything is comedy now. The first two games were a bit goofy and were filled with a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor, but they were never outright comedies. "TimeSplitters: Future Perfect" is an outright parody of itself, and it cracks wise near constantly.

Cortez is now back. He is still an action hero, but now he is also kind of a dork. They wrote him up to be kind of too old to make hip jokes. Every time he would say his wonderful line, "Time to split!" the other characters would act like he was some sort of idiot. The jokes are hit and miss. Sometimes they are crude just to be crude, and it doesn't always work.

Instead of quantum leaping into other people, Cortex now just partners up with some of the protagonists of the first two games. This is very cool and a heck of a good time. But the real treat and main gimmick of the game is when you partner up with yourself within a time loop. These somewhat awkward encounters have you meeting yourself in the past and having to play the scene out twice or more in order to fulfill the time loop properly. The implementation of this mechanic is a little bit janky. You'll quickly notice that your past or future self is not doing the same actions you took (or will take), but it is still amusing enough to enjoy it for its story aspect.

Without a doubt, this game is remarkably fun to play. The action is constant and the shooting is well implemented. There are now vehicles which are hit and miss. They also have this weird new feature where you can log onto people's computers and read their emails or access cameras and whatnot. Not bad!

This game also has arguably the best version of the map maker. You can make really complex missions that are more similar to that of the first two games in functionality. I still like messing around with it to this day.

All said, I do recommend "TimeSplitters: Future Perfect." It probably should be considered the best of the three, but I do kind of want to give them a slap on the wrist for all the unnecessary humor and parody. I felt that the humor found in the second game was just the right amount. This game's story turned the whole thing into a joke. At the very least, the story does have a satisfying conclusion, and it is genuinely fun to play.

This blog was written on July 8, 2024.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Jeffty Is Five [Short Story Review]

"Jeffty Is Five" is a short story written by Harlan Ellison. It was published in 1977. This is one of his most compelling fantasy stories. It very much feels like a Twilight Zone episode.

It is about a five-year-old boy named Jeffty who never actually ages up. For something like 20 years, he remains five while his best friend, a man named Donny, keeps aging. Now, that alone makes for a great story, but it gets more complicated.

Jeffty isn't just five. He feels like he is five as well. All that childhood innocence is present. He only seems a little aware of the modern world around him, but he himself acts and even seems to perfectly portray a kid that is five-years-old from a bygone age.

The supernatural aspect of this story is also fascinating. Not only is Jeffty still five almost twenty years later, he also has the ability to listen to the old forgotten radio shows of the past. But he isn't listening to reruns. He is hearing new episodes of the shows as if they never got canceled. This was probably the most shocking thing for me. It was like Jeffty was locked in a version of the past that never actually went away.

Remember a show you loved when you were a child. Imagine if it was still running to this very day with the exact same cast. Imagine if the original Star Trek show was still going, and William Shatner had not aged a day, but they were still making new episodes... and you'd only be able to see it if you were with this one kid that was the same age as he was when the show was young. That's what it was like to be around Jeffty.

Now, I don't want to spoil the ending of this story, but it hits extremely hard. It packs more of a punch than I was ready for, but I really did love this story regardless. I absolutely recommend it and rather wish it had been made into a movie. It's that good.

This blog was written on July 8, 2024.

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Last Time I Proposed [Short Story Review]

[I don't really spoil anything about this story.]

"The Last Time I Proposed" is a short story written by Liam Spencer. It was published in 2012. I am not sure how to classify this one. I haven't really read anything like it.

I don't always feel like I belong in this world. I have a lot of beliefs and morals that don't line up with the common practices of Planet Earth. Because of this, I am often depressed, especially if I think about it too much. This story makes those feelings come alive in a bad way.

The whole story is just miserable humans doing miserable human things. There's no real love or anything in it. It's just terrible people playing the same games everyone always plays with each other. It's about a man trying to chose the woman he wants to marry, but it's more about him than her. And she isn't all that great either. Both are divorcees. Both have to have sex in order to figure each other out. It feels more like he is shopping for a wife than really trying to form a real relationship.

The problem is that everything in this story just feels like it's normal. Nothing feels taboo or wrong. It's meant for people who just know about this game and play it. Honestly, I just can't get into it. It just makes me feel like I was born into the wrong world.

The story never really grabbed me. The ending especially lost me. It doesn't even feel like it had an ending. The author just sort of stopped writing it, making it feel like the characters were lost in a limbo of sorts. I also noticed that towards the very end of the story, typos began to happen frequently. Maybe the author was just sort of giving up himself. Who knows? I can't really speak for him.

Either way, I don't really recommend this one. I just don't get it, and I certainly don't want it.

This blog was written on July 8, 2024.

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