Monday, September 16, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes [Short Story Review]

[I do not spoil the ending of the story.]

"Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes" is a short story written by Harlan Ellison. It was published in 1967. This is a ghost story! I actually have not read hardly any ghost stories in my life. That is to say that I have read stories that have had ghosts in them, but they were not themed entirely around the ghost.

I'll just come out and say it. This is a story about a haunted slot machine at a casino. That's just what it is. And the man who plays it just keeps winning over and over again. That's the fantasy of it. Imagine if you had the angry ghost of a woman inside a slot machine who was messing with the gears so that it would always produce a jackpot. The better question would be: Should you actually be playing this particular machine?!

The ghost, I believe, was a woman named Maggie who was down on her luck. She plays the machine right as she dies. She then, of course, haunts the machine. I do want to say that the author wrote up one of the most compelling, striking, and fun descriptions of this woman before she dies. It packed a huge punch. I even laughed a bit at how almost jazzy the portrayal was. It had a beatnik feel to it, and I liked it.

The main character, a guy named Koster, ends up making a ton of money of this machine. Every time the bars would come up, there was a pair of pretty eyes in between them. Imagine that! It would be a very surreal thing to go through, and the author here paints the scene out so well.

I won't spoil the ending, but I just know that you are going to love it. It's good. It's scary. It's a great ending to a really well-written ghost story. I do recommend it, and I would also like to remark that this was a good story for how it was written, but not necessarily what it was written about. Harlan's fun presentation is why this short story is so good. Give it a try! You'll find it very hard to put down.

This blog was written on July 15, 2024.

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1 comment:

  1. The premise sounds ridiculous. It seems like the author ran out of ideas to use this one. He made it work, and that is the acme of storytelling. The TELLING makes the story work, no matter the ideas used.
