Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Crossroads [Short Story Review]

[Minor spoilers. I give the gist of the ending as well.]

"Crossroads" is a short story written by Kerry Lown Whalen. It was published in 2012.

The story is about a guy involved in illegal drugs, trying to pull his life together for the sake of his girlfriend. He wants to make a change, but these things are hard to pull out of realistically.

Most of the stories in the collection I got this from are very dark and pointless. This story actually was about a guy sincerely trying to fix his life. He does actually do it as well, but it's how he does it that is what makes it so interesting.

Even so, this story does still feel like it comes from a place where the world just kind of sucks. Even if these characters do well for themselves, I still see them as terminally flawed. But at the very least, it looks like they are making an effort, and that is more than I can hope for most people I see in these stories.

I do recommend "Crossroads." It's a good title for this one as well. It makes me think about a number of crossroads I've had in my own life.

This blog was written on July 15, 2024.

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  1. Perfect title for what you described. Yeah, the world is a grind but so long as you endure, you come out of it eventually. Spiritual survival-of-the-fittest is what this life is all about. It seems surviving is what this story is all about.

    1. It is, and at least something good came out of it.

  2. Bad choices lead to poor outcomes. It can be quite difficult to turn things around. Still, those who care will make it happen.
