Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: What Is Water? (High Priest Edition)

In my last blog, I quoted a parable called What Is Water? For the purposes of this new blog, I'll be posting it again in order to make a different point. Here you go.

Two swimming fish meet somewhere within the ocean. The first fish asks of the second, "How is the water today?" To which the second fish replies, "What is water?"

I've talked about high priests before in this blog. I went into how the tribal high priests had linked themselves to evil forces and were ultimately being controlled by them. But for the here and now, I want to talk a bit more about the high priest in general and how he perceives the world around him.

The parable of What Is Water? is a very good little tale that may assist you in understanding what is happening in the mind of a high priest. If you are confused as to which fish the high priest represents, I direct you to give the majority of your observation to Fishy #1.

The first fish was clear the one of the two who seemed to be very aware that he was, as a matter of fact, surrounded on all sides by water. But this fish did not just know it was water. He had bothered to be aware of what sort of water it was. Its make. Its ingredients. Its temperature. The addition or lack thereof of salt. Fishy #1 knew all about the water around him.

There was something else this fish was very aware of. He was clearly very aware of Fishy #2. He was especially interested in this fish's ignorance of the water around him. But then... if he knew of this fish's ignorance, why did he bother to ask him what water was? But then that was the reason. Fishy #1 asked Fishy #2 what water was for the soul reason of him being ignorance of it. But why?

Fishy #1 is a high priest type in this scenario. He knew from the start that Fishy #2 was a diluted moron. And what do you do with moronic fish? You mess around with them. You throw truth in their face and watch them squirm as they wonder what is even going on. Yes, Fishy #1 was amused.

If you are going to be a high priest, there are a few things I would first recommend you obtain. Firstly, you need to start becoming aware of your surroundings on the physical and mystical level. Be open minded about it. Try and find meaning in things that would often have no meaning at all. There might be no meaning to it, but you won't know that unless you make the attempt to find it.

Secondly, you need to be on top of things--an elite. You have to be in a situation where you can push people around. People need to respect you and follow your orders. Manipulation hardly matters when nobody will do what you say,

Lastly, once you have become hyper aware of the mystical and physical flow and balance of the universe around you and have also achieved the standing needed to manipulate the people around you, you can begin enacting what will later be a powerful spell. The other little fishes won't know what's happening, but then... they never knew what water was anyways. They'll always be in ignorance... while you, the high priest fishy, manages to make things happen.

When you look into the eyes of a high priest, you may noticed that they always seem to be looking around in fascination. When you try and see what they see, nothing seems to turn up. To be a high priest, you have to be as open minded to as many possibilities as you can. Only then can you be useful in the role. And I suppose I respect them more for this ability.

Now, I'm not saying that all high priests are good. A high priest as a concept is neither good nor evil. Even the manipulation of people is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people are just asking for it after all and seem happier for it. What makes a high priest good or evil all has to do with their motives. Are they really doing it to make the world a better place, or are they only gaining power for themselves?

Consider these things. Open your eyes for a change. There's water out there, and there are still those who realize it... and some of them know how to make wine of it.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. Ironically, the fools say "you can't prove there's water" because the very thing you show them is the thing they failed to notice all along. The blind can't be shown light and will never know its colors. Interesting, "ether" also means the substance of the cosmos, it's "water" if you will. It is also the nature of "the gods" (angels) in contrast to the dust that is our mortality.

    1. Yeah, and it is actually visible to those who pay attention. You can see the wind for how it affects the things it blows through.

  2. Excellent analogy, a high priest is in control because they can see the strings and knows how to pull them. The small fish leave the thinking up to the high priest and bend to their will. I like that you point out a high priest can be either good or evil, the motives are what makes the difference. A good high priest will takes his position along with the responsibility that comes with it.

    1. High priesting is neither good nor evil. It is all worked out in his motives.

  3. People like to use what they know against others. But since they do not know everything, they really do not know anything. That is why, with all their insight, they can still be surprised.

    1. It may surprise you that a large portion of the Earth's populace don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. It's pretty sad.
