Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Lucifer Is Not Unclean

Luficer, otherwise known by his title Satan, is not an unclean spirit. He is a fully functioning angel still operating at full capacity. The only difference is that he is in opposition to the ways of God. The latter speaks nothing to him being either clean or unclean. He is only what God made him to be... and that is one of the angelic race, birthed of the very stars themselves.

What is generally known as an unclean spirit would be something known as a demon. A demon is an abomination created when an angel mixes his angelic genetics with that of something of Earth. It could be an animal, a plant, or even a human being. When these abominations die, they have nowhere to go, so they just sort of wander around, haunting the world.

When someone is possessed, it is these demon spirits that are possessing them, not the ones of the devils (or fallen angels). There are some disagreements concerning the terminology I am using. I've seen them used rather generically across the board for both angels and demons, but I have to make my choices based on the best research that I have.

I hear a lot of talk about the devil (meaning Satan) making people do things. Indeed, Satan is quite good at deceiving people, but he is hardly going about in spirit form and enticing people to make bad decisions. He's a bit more direct than that. If you are truly running into Lucifer himself, you'll actually see him. He'll be there right in front of you, whether you believe it or not. He is a powerful creature that is not to be taken lightly. He is not an unclean spirit. He is a living, breathing, immortal angel who has never been anything other than what he is.

He's also a bit too busy to deal with the likes of you. He's probably off dealing with big corporate types who can actually get things done for him. Whether or not you steal candy at a grocery store isn't important to him. Stop blaming Satan for everything, and get your act together.

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  1. Wow! Very profound. It dispels the silly notion that Satan is desire itself. It is DESIRE, not the Devil, that "compels" sinners to sin. He merely exploits these sins by using them to his advantage. Yes, he is alive, and immortal. He is not one of the dead things that haunt our houses. He does not leave his body of ether and fire to squeeze into the dust and water of some pathetic basket case. VERY few sinners are worthy of his presence... and THAT is the thing for sinners to consider.

    1. A of problems with Christians is that they don't want to take responsibility for their own sins, so they create these silly ideals to artificially and falsely block themselves from having to deal with the truth.

  2. Indeed, Lucifer would not bother with the common man, he is too busy being the god of this world making things happen directly. Unclean spirits are derivative of God but not directly from The Source as they are abominations by Angelic means, they are lacking due to the fact that they are without God's Grace. Angels however are direct creations from God and are fully functional beings who even if they "go rogue" like Lucifer they still perform their function.

    1. They aren't capable of deviating from what is distinctly angel. Humans can be anything and have been many things throughout history.

  3. People will go to great lengths to avoid taking responsibility. There is always someone else to blame for their failures. That is why they tend not to make progress concerning them.

    1. I always hated the "blame Satan" thing. If you do something bad, it's all you.
