Monday, August 9, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Kings I [Book Review]

"Kings I" is the eleventh book of the "Holy Bible," and it is traditionally believed to have been written by the prophet Jeremiah. Where this book starts off really strong, it quickly falls into chaos of the worst kind.

Initially, we have the story of the son of David, Solomon. He did something amazing. God comes to him in a dream and basically asks him to make any wish. Solomon only asks that he has the wisdom to help his people. God was extremely impressed with that and, not only decides to grant this wish, but He also gives him long life and riches. What Solomon wished for was likely a surprise for God, since the Israelites have a history of... well... being stupid.

And Solomon certainly had wisdom, but it didn't seem to be enough in his old age. After sleeping with a bunch of women who served other gods, he also began to serve them. He even built statues to them, even Molech which is my personal pet peeve. This pretty much is where the book descends into chaos.

"Kings I" is actually a depressing read. Without getting into all the details, the whole world of Israel gets split up between two kings and hardly any of them can seem to stay on the right path. Some out rightly just spend their entire career sinning. There's so much of it that much of the book just writes them off without explaining the details.

The book also introduces a lot of prophets such as Elijah. Many of them live very crappy lives in this world that has mostly turned away from God entirely. Heck, a lot of them are just outright executed for being followers of God.

The thing that really gets me about this is that nobody seems to care about how much God did for them up to this point. They are so ungrateful. People never really change. I see this sort of thing even to this day. The more comfortable people get, the more they sin. It's a vicious cycle that has never really ended since those old times.

I have a hard time recommending this book because of how depressing it is, but it is there for a reason. If anything, it may open your eyes to how shitty most of the people in the world really are. Some things never change.

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  1. SO CLOSE... BUT SO FAR AWAY: "good" people. God is uninterested in "good" people because they are not so good after all. Even the best of such people, Solomon, is a disappointment who's failure brings everything in his care tumbling down. Sad. VERY sad.

    1. I swear that reading the Old Testament is incredibly depressing. Human beings are mostly idiots.

  2. I can see why God was surprised that Solomon asked for wisdom not for his sake, because the default of the common is to be selfish and live for instant gratification. It is a shame that Solomon fell short, he decided to trade in greatness for mediocrity. We must take heed and live for the spirit not the flesh.

    1. What good is a great beginning if it ends so stupidly?

  3. Just like children, they tend to cozy up to Him when they want something. When they get it, He becomes less of a concern. Even their worship of Him is ultimately about them.

    1. It's the whole story of the first books of the Bible. Very frustrating.
