Monday, August 1, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Tanuki Tango Overdrive [Book Review]

[This blog contains some material that is more intended for adults. It is not really child friendly.]

"Tanuki Tango Overdrive" is a book written by Arthur Graham. It was published in 2016. The genre of this book was described by the author as "bizarro action-erotica." It pans out.

Despite being someone who has pretty doggedly studied and deeply reviewed the "Holy Bible," I will read pretty much anything. And the thing about "Tanuki Tango Overdrive" is that, as erotic as it is... it's also pretty much stark, raving mad as well. It's crazy. There are no hold-backs in this book.

It takes Tanuki and Kitsune lore and just goes absolutely flipping crazy with it. Nothing is too taboo. It's a sex fest that gets so far out of hand, that by the end of it, demon-possessed trains are having sex with buildings while people are flying out of windows landing in giant tanuki nutsacks. And I do have to say... this book made me laugh more than a few times.

And that made me think: I don't normally laugh when I read. There isn't a lot of comedy in books. And while this book is filled to the brim with incredibly lewd sexual scenes, it just has such a hilarious wit to it that I couldn't help but give myself to it on multiple occasions.

And then there is one more thing. The book just has no limits. It feels like the author just wanted to go crazy, and he did, and he did it with a wit that pulled it all together. It's a good example of free expression. What can I say?! I loved it!

"Tanuki Tango Overdrive" is divided into three short stories, all involving the adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Tanuki, two sex-crazed fairy animals. The sex in the book is extremely lewdly described with no bars on what can happen. There is also quite a bit of action and combat mixed in to the aforementioned sex. Like... it's all happening at one time. It's nuts.

I do recommend this book, but I'm gonna have to censor the book cover. Don't worry. I'll do it in a way that I think the author would appreciate. Enjoy the picture!

This blog was written on June 13, 2022.

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  1. Unbridled imagination told like a wet dream. Clever modesty bar, by the way.

  2. Writing in a witty manner is its own skill. To write what truly amuses you is a good start. Imposing limits will limit the enjoyment.

    1. Yeah, I agree. I am pleased that he just went all out. Bat shit crazy is better than bat shit moderate. (Put that on a T-shirt!)
