Monday, May 1, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Freaked [Movie Review]

"Freaked" is a movie that was released in 1993. It is almost never talked about within my circle of friends. The only reason I watched it was because I had... a memory... of one scene. Just one tiny scene.

Back when I was growing up, I happened upon a weird scene of a bunch of men being turned into a mutant shoe. I didn't really finish watching it, but I went over to a special channel that said what shows were playing and identified the movie as "Freaked." I then promptly forgot it. The memory of the scene still stuck in my head though, and I carried it with me for over 30 years.

Somewhere along the way I wanted to make the effort to figure out what that movie was. This was prompted by the idea that the movie had a mad scientist in it, and I am super into that concept these days. But my brain must have gotten a bit mixed up, and I incorrectly misremembered the title of the movie as "Freaks." This ended up leading me to the wrong film, although I ended up loving that one and the book that went with it. But the scene with the shoe wasn't in it, so I realized I made a mistake.

After banging my head into a table for a few hours, the word "Freaks" finally changed to "Freaked," and that's when I realized what my mistake had been. I looked the movie up, and then I watched it. Confirming the mutant shoe scene was in it, I was finally able to put the memory to rest.

Oh, and by the way, the movie is absolute crap. It's one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I have lost probably a decade of my life from the sheer trauma of watching it. I also ended up with a massive migraine as well. Like, I thought my head was going to explode. I felt really awful. I still do. I wish I could go back into the past the hold myself at gunpoint until I agree not to watch this movie. But alas, the deed is done.

One good thing, however, is that the movie does feature a mad scientist. And he is... pretty much a mad scientist. Yep. That is a thing I enjoy... and this movie had one thing that I enjoyed in it. I appreciate that. I really do.

I think the problem with the movie was that it was about a twenty layer deep comedy. What I mean is that it was so intensely a comedy that there was absolutely no remote semblance of seriousness in it at all. It has jokes. It has jokes on top of its jokes. It joked about the jokes it made. It just went on and on like that for an hour and a half, and then the movie ended.

The movie was also extremely gross. Not always in a bad way. I actually liked some of the puppeteering that happened in the film. The monster designs were also interesting. But the movie just never cared about itself. It was a comedic comedy that didn't know when to stop comedy-ing.

Please don't watch it. Please don't. You have so much to live for. There are so many other things you could be doing with your life that are far better than watching this movie... like smoking cigarettes till you puke... or running around naked on a busy freeway, actually trying to get people to run you over.

My head really hurts. I need to go to bed. I feel really sick. I'll talk to you later, blog.

This blog was written on April 19, 2023.

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  1. Interesting. It was a comedy that was a joke. Not every comedy is. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN is one of the funniest movies ever made, yet it is ultimately about a man seeing the beauty in someone everyone else thinks is ugly. It is about appreciation and self-sacrifice and shows they are not in vain. Sad this movie had nothing REAL to say.

    1. The movie is a joke. I use the term to ridicule it. I really hated it.

  2. "Freaked" seems like a bad memory that the mind shields us from haha. There were a lot of movies of the same time that were just stupid, I blame the 90s.


  3. There are things that inspire us with what was done. Sometimes, what we remember is the source of inspiration. Hopefully, the time was not wasted and something good will come from it.
