Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Rodent Spotlight: Spiny Mouse

Hi! I'm Buster, and I am a spiny mouse. Before we begin, let me just get something straight. I'm not your friend, and you don't know me. Us spiny mice are as tribal as they come. We live, eat, and fight for our brothers. That's just how we are, and we don't really care much for civilization.

The reason we are called spiny mice is cause we got these totally dangerous-looking hair spikes on our backs. YEEAAH! Look at them! Those spikes mean danger! Well... they aren't actually dangerous--just pointy--but that doesn't mean you shouldn't fear them! It's a sign of our entirely uncivilized lifestyle, and you should respect it!

I heard that there were some humans keeping us as pets. I guess that's okay if they wanna feed and take care of us, but still, it doesn't mean they really control us. We're wild, man! First chance they stop caring for us, we are so out of there! No loyalty but to the other "spinies!" YEEAAH!

I've seen these other poser mice trying to spike their fur. It's really kind of pathetic. Us spiny mice are born this way, and we don't need to pretend to be what we are. These spikes on my back are a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom! YEEAAH! Spiny mice forever!

You may or may not find us in fiction. I don't really read. I'm more into expressing myself to all the spiny girls I meet in my tribe. Either way, there really SHOULD be spiny mice in stories--only because we are so cool. What do ya think? Guess what! I don't care! I'm wild! Hear my spiny mouse roar! SQUEAK! Whoops. I should have thought that one through. Well, anyways, I got stuff I gotta do. See ya!

Thank you for reading this blog. If you enjoyed it, you can comment below, or you can email me at YEEAAH!


  1. Fiesty little critters... I think it is amusing that their fur is naturally spiked. Yet, being mice they are born to be mild...

    1. The spiny mouse has not been domesticated yet, but they still make great pets. Just don't expect loyalty.
