Monday, June 1, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Infinity Doesn't Care

Ladies and gentlemen, you were created by an infinite being. You were created by a single infinite being. An eternal [one.] Here are some interesting things about good ol' infinity.

∞ - 1 = ∞ [Infinity doesn't care.]

∞ + 1 = ∞ [Infinity still doesn't care.]

∞ - 10,000 = ∞ [Look. It didn't matter. Infinity doesn't care.]

∞ - ∞ = ∞ [Ha! You thought that would work. Infinity doesn't care.]

∞ ÷ 0 = ∞ [Nope. Nice try. It exists whether or not your calculator is busted. Infinity doesn't care.]

Take a circle. Cut a piece out of it. Now divide what's left into segments. Now divide the segments into segments. Now keep doing it. At some point you are going to realize that you can just keep doing it forever. But isn't the circle broken? [Infinity doesn't care.]

Take ∞ and ignore it. [Infinity doesn't care.]

Take ∞ and give it your complete attention. [It appreciates your attention but yet still doesn't care.]

Can you fit ∞ into a thimble? Yes. How? [Because infinity doesn't care.]

No matter how big something is or how small small something it, it's still embodies ∞. There is no size or mass that cannot fit into any space. ∞ is in everything. And in everything there is [one.] And whenever you think that you have any sort of superiority over anything in this universe, there is one thing that you should always remember: [Infinity doesn't care.]

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  1. Wow! Profound. You made the argument... and it is inarguable... because infinity doesn't care.

  2. Awesome, love the way you presented this. It reminds me of a book I was fascinated with as a child, "Powers of Ten" I believe the name was. The book showed the same shot zoomed in to the smallest known subatomic level then in sequence powers of 10 zoomed out all the way to the known universe. As you said no matter how big or small something is it still embodies infinity.

    1. Yeah, and sometimes that can actually look real cool, such as with fractals.

  3. The infinite does not concern itself with the finite. It does what it does regardless of the consequences. Whatever happens, we will be left to deal with it.
