Monday, January 3, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: My Personal Problems With the Church

People who know me personally have heard me talk about my personal distain for organized churches. I don't care what denomination it is. I don't like them. They are full of sinners, and most people go to them like some sort of club with righteous benefits. They do it because they think it's the right thing to do, and the whole thing is really just a fictional dream trapped up inside a corked bottle. Christianity is real, but the Church has proven to have very little to do with it at all.

Organized churches are so wrapped up in meaningless tenets, dogma, and misdirected reverence that nobody there really even has a clue what the point of Christianity was actually about. And I get it. In order for a church to be organized, you need those boundaries. It's the nature of the beast. You can't help it. But in an effort to keep people together and happy, they have taken the actual spirit out of the whole thing.

All you do at a church is sit in a pew, listen like a good, little Christian, and then wait eagerly for the sermon to end so you can go get your lunch. That eagerness is not unwarranted. To sit somewhere quietly is not an easy thing for anyone. You might have something to add to the discussion, but to do so would be considered improper. So you just sit there, listening like a good boy, serving your time in hell so you can make it into Heaven.

The truth is that spiritual discussion is the cornerstone of a healthy Christian life. And I get that people can still discuss the sermon afterwards, but why can't you all just look into these things yourself. We got an extremely huge book with a lot of information in it. If you have time to sit in a church, then you must have time to read. Read the book and actually talk it over with your own personal church: your family, friends, people on the internet. Figure it out.

The pointless reverence and rules of a church are only there to keep the restless sheep in their pens. It seems antithetical to the very heart of God to be placed in that situation. We're not the ridiculous Jews of the Old Testament. We are free to pursue God in our own spare time. We can just read the Bible and be Christians from what we learn in that book. (The whole book, mind you. Actually read the blasted thing!)

In the state the organized church is in in this country, I am never surprised when people leave it and end up hating God. Their pitch for him is so bad that I almost want to pat them on the back and say, "Yeah, I don't blame you one bit. Best of luck to ya." The sad thing is that Christianity is really wonderful, and the Church has horribly undersold it. I am very disappointed in them.

But seriously, don't take my word for it. Actually read the book. Read the Bible cover to cover. Compare it to what you were taught in Church. The book is FAR from reverent. It shows God for the crazy, awesome guy that He is! And really, I do think he is awesome. Hilariously awesome. He is entirely not the tight-wad that people have to conform to in a church. Read the book. Just do it. That's all.

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  1. Jesus said that the Comforter, the Advocate would prove the world wrong about its notions of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Comforter/Advocate (the Holy Spirit) shall tell what Jesus, the WORD of God tells him. Experts in the world shall NOT be consulted... because the "experts" are wrong. God himself shall set the record straight.

    1. No, don't worry. This is still relevant to what I wrote. Even so, the modern church is a really bad interpretation of what was intended.

  2. Yea, you don't grow spiritually by putting yourself in a box. Organized churches don't allow for free thought or discussion. The dogma and tenets are ways of the world that keep us from The Truth. Truth-seeking is a personal journey that is apart from any set of rules.

    1. They don't. Any descent tends to be lashed out upon.

  3. Church provides structure for that which is inherently chaotic. When people are left to their own devices, they fashion golden idols. Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will dig deeper to find the truth.

    1. They are gonna do that with or without the church. Sometimes the church will help them do it.
