Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Obadiah [Book Review]

"Obadiah" is the thirty-first book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by Obadiah himself. It is also ridiculously short. It has one chapter, and I had the entire thing read in about four minutes. It was over so fast, that I was still sort of wide awake with nothing better to do. Reading the Bible is pretty much the last thing I do at night, and I didn't really want to start a new one until I had this blog written... so... I just sort of lied there until sleep took me away.

"Obadiah" concerns the descendants of Esau who are called the Edomites. You may remember Esau as the brother of Jacob who sold his birthright for food. It was a dumb thing to do, but it pretty much doomed his entire line. The Edomites never really went in the right direction for over a thousand years.

The prophet Obadiah is basically publicly denouncing them for their sinful ways and casting sentence on them. That's pretty much what prophets do. And with that, I don't really have anything else to say on it. I mean... What do you want from me? It was 21 verses long.

Like with "Joel," it's hard not to recommend a book this insanely short. Might as well do it. As for me, I need too keep this train moving forward. I still have a whole lot left to cover.

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  1. By selling his birthright for food, Esau demonstrated that he valued worldly things over the spiritual. He was then upset because he was told that he can't eat his cake and have it too.

    1. Esau was an idiot like most of the people he lived with. Truly a person of the earth.

  2. Another people that had to have a Prophet tell them they are stupid haha. Esau committed the common sin of following the World instead of The Way, his line should have learned from his mistake.

    1. He doomed his people to be just as stupid as he was.

  3. Brevity is the soul of wit. It is best to keep things short, sweet, and to the point. Complication is often used for deception.

    1. Yeah! nothing wrong with brevity. It gets the job done with little to no hassle.
