Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Zechariah [Book Review]

"Zechariah" is the thirty-eighth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by Zechariah himself. So here is another prophet that got to see some very interesting visions. For a while, it felt much like "Ezekiel," however "Ezekiel" was a lot more trippy. Zechariah did get some interesting visions, and they were all explained to him.

"Zechariah" is set around the same time as "Haggai." I think I am coming to understand that the Jews are still under the control of Babylon, but God is prophesying that his people are about to return home. The priests are being reactivated, and people are starting to return to the Lord. But it hasn't actually happened in Jerusalem proper yet. That happens later under the rule of King Cyrus. Give me five minutes and I can figure anything out.

The main theme of the book is that God is there for anyone who seeks him out, and you do not have to be a Jew for that to happen. This is nothing new. Even in the early books, God was entirely open to people from other cultures serving him. He merely focused on the Jews to prove to the world that he exists. (He honestly could have picked anybody.)

"Zechariah" had a few notable moments. It is yet another prophetic book that hints at the advent of Jesus. It also predicts the amount of money Jesus is sold out for by Judas, that being thirty pieces of silver. These are subtle hints, but if you are paying attention, you'll notice them.

Did you know Zechariah is the father of another prophet called Iddo? Iddo had his own book that would have been in the Bible if it had not been lost to time. It was referenced once and probably would have been included around "Kings" and "Chronicles." Just think about it... A missing book of the Bible! Maybe Indiana Jones can find it for us.

I recommend "Zechariah." It's full of love and power, and shows that God is very merciful and giving when people are not complete idiots. It's a wonder why anyone ever bothers to turn from Him. Zechariah's visions and premonitions of the future are very powerful and worth your time to peruse.

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  1. WHEN PEOPLE ARE NOT COMPLETE IDIOTS is when they are at their best, as people. Until then, they turn their own lives and every life around them into a hell. HELL is separation from God, so his conditions make perfect sense.

    1. People, especially in groups, are almost always complete idiots.

  2. God is indeed merciful and giving, provided we don't piss him off by being stupid. Zachariah's visions are interesting, they are all lessons to be given to his people. Shame that the work of Iddo is missing.

    1. I always felt bad about the Iddo thing. He was quotes a few times. It doesn't seem like what he wrote was bad or anything.

  3. He made all of us, so we hold a special place in His heart. Choosing one people does not exclude the rest. Individuals are more important than any group.

    1. Yeah, people were not supposed to group up into one unit of stupid.
