Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Habakkuk [Book Review]

"Habakkuk" is the thirty-fifth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by Habakkuk himself. What is this book anyways? Do you really want to know?

Well, from what I can gather, we have a back-sassing prophet who is asking God why his people have to suffer at the hands of people who are more wicked then they are. When I first read this, I was a little confused. For a person who had read the Old Testament up to this point, I can think of nobody worse than the Israelites. I mean... I get that there were some good ones among them, but, as a whole, they have been pretty dang horrible.

It seems like Habakkuk did not have the same perspective. At the very least, he did have the radio tuned in to the voice of God. His answer? God pretty much explains that he wouldn't believe it if He told him. This not being good enough for Habakkuk, he continued to pursue and gets a bit more information. But ultimately, the prophet is tasked with having faith that God knows what He is doing, and that it is for the best.

The last chapter of the book is an actual prayer of faith in God despite all the horrible things that are and will happen to him and his people. It's quite good and would have fit right in to the book of "Psalms" if it were not here.

Good book, but light on content. The theme and its brevity makes it worth the read. Give "Habakkuk" a read if you have the time.

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  1. "To whom more is given, more is required" came into play here, as did, "There is no sin without knowledge of sin." The very thing that made the Jews special is what made them especially accountable. They knew better than their enemies. Their sins were worse accordingly.

  2. Interesting, of course God would not waste his time with words that would fall on deaf ears. We should have Faith that God will only let us know the Truth when we can handle it. I'm glad Habakkuk didn't press further for his sake.

  3. Do not ask Him something, unless you really want to know. The truth can drive you to your knees. When your eyes have been opened, it can be overwhelming.

    1. Listening is required though. Most people don't do that.
