Friday, April 8, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Ephesians [Book Review]

"Ephesians" is the forty-ninth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was, once again, written by Paul. I could find no evidence of a scribe. This is another short book. They are passing by rather quickly, much like with the minor prophet books of the Old Testament. I'm having to write these blogs every couple of days now.

So what's this book all about? In truth: It's all intended to bring peace though Christ to Ephesus. This was less depressing than with the former two books. It seems that this place is doing all right, and that they seem to want to learn about Christ and live in his way. Paul is obliging them with a good amount of advice. This advice, if Biblical lore has not failed me, is direct from the Holy Spirit himself.

If taken seriously, the advice would lead to an amazingly peaceful world. It's all about calming down and straightening oneself out. It's also about living well with your fellow human beings. That said, Paul also encourages that you still focus on your own personal vocation in life. Do what you are here to do.

My only concern is that I think a lot of Christians interpret some of this with much overthinking which leads to that stifling pomp and reverence we see in churches. Much of that just turns into a form of control which was antithetical to a relationship with Christ to begin with. Once again, people tend to make good things stupid when forming up in great numbers.

I really did like reading the whole bit about the armor of God. It's a great passage that reads well to this day, but the real reason I like it is because it was such an integral part of John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress," a book that has had a surprising influence on me over the years. You actually get to see a man wear this actual armor, while, in the Bible, it's a bit more metaphorical.

There's more politically incorrect stuff in this book, but I don't really mind any of it. It all has to be acknowledge if you want to bother being a Christian... or you can just ignore it like everyone else does these days. It's a 19 minute read. No reason to skip this one over. At the very least, Paul seems to be feeling a bit better. Poor guy has been through a lot since Jesus jumped in front of him and gave him a smack.

This blog was written on February 20, 2022.

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  1. Yeah, that smack of Jesus does knock sense into you... but as a slap, not a caress.

    1. He has been known to be violent once in a while.

  2. People tend to influence things according to their preferences. It is important to remember that He is our standard. His is the only example we should follow.

  3. Indeed we need to acknowledge The Truth that makes so many uncomfortable, the feel good spin only muddy the waters. The armor of God is required to survive the onslaughts of the world. I loved the portrayal in "The Pilgrim's Progress".

    1. I agree. It was a wonderful part of that book.
