Friday, April 29, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Titus [Book Review]

"Titus" is the fifty-sixth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was again written by Paul himself. It was a 6 minute read, and it was over before I realized it was coming. His letters just keep getting shorter and shorter.

Although I did a lot of highlighting, much that is in this tiny book are repeats, and I'm always trying to give you whatever is new. Some things are stated a bit differently but are really the same. For example, Paul does say that we need to rebuke people for going in the wrong direction. That isn't like an angry or mean thing. In fact, I don't think you should do it to anyone you think might not listen.

In a later section of the book, it points out that that you should only try this a couple of times before just letting them go. Some people just won't listen and change their ways. Don't freak out about it. At the most, you can still pray, but that's it.

Paul also briefly spoke about people who claim to be Christians but don't actually do any of the works. This sort of person is heavily rebuked, and it is likely for being so lukewarm in the faith. If people don't actually do the works on top of claiming them then they can't really believe in anything they are saying.

That's it. I recommend "Titus." More to come.

This blog was written on February 28, 2022.

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  1. Yeah, people who BELIEVE something but do not live accordingly do not actually believe in what they claim, even if they BELIEVE they do.

    1. A lot of people talk, but their actions have to back up their speech.

  2. Open rebuke is better than secret love. It can take time for a planted seed to bear fruit. Say what needs to be said and then leave it in His hands.

    1. You have a responsibility to do it, as long as you're on the right track yourself.

  3. To be a true Christian is to walk in The Way. Sadly this is lost on a lot of people, memorizing passages means nothing without putting the work in and taking it to heart. To rebuke someone who has strayed is an act of love, but if the person is stuck in their ways our energies are best spent elsewhere.

    1. The memorizing thing is not the way to experience the Bible. All context gets lost. Ugh. Such laziness.
