Monday, April 4, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Galatians [Book Review]

"Galatians" is the forty-eighth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by Paul himself, by hand. He literally says this in the book itself. I wish every single author in the Bible did this as clearly as he did it in this book. Apparently the whole concept of a bi-line came way later. And it was a letter! Did anyone ever bother to sign letters back then? I am perhaps being a bit too critical though.

This is, as the name suggests, Paul's letter to the Galatians. It is similar to "Corinthians II" in that Paul suspects that the people are being fooled by someone or some group that is pulling them away from Christ. It was a bit unclear exactly what was the actual cause or measure of this at the beginning of the letter. Some stuff was assumed, but by the end of it, he seemed to be explaining what was going on. Let me see if I can break this down.

In the Old Testament, there was a thing called circumcision which the Jews had to do as a sign that they were the chosen people of God. This practice also became religious law. But when Jesus showed up, the whole idea of circumcision went out the window. All you have to do is believe in Christ and live by his way... and your good. For example, to love your neighbor as yourself, live in peace with all men, ect.

From what I understand, the religious authorities in Galatia were tearing down the message of Christ and trying to get the people to conform to the law. And as circumcision was a part of the law, the claim was that it was one of the many things you had to do to be saved. Paul countered this by pointing out that circumcision really means nothing anymore if you do not live in Christ. All other parts of religious law followed the same rule, of course.

Paul was depressed in this one. He saw all of his long hours trying to do his diligence to Galatia becoming meaningless as they began to fall to the persecution of the law. I have a bad feeling that these sorts of things happened to him often. I unfortunately see this sort of problem happening even to this day. Some people even make up some of these laws within the organized Christian religion itself which takes a lot of meaning out of what these books are actually trying to say. It's one of the reasons I try to go into these books with as independent view as I can.

"Galatians" is a short book. It was about a 16 minute read. No reason to skip over this one. I recommend it.

This blog was written on February 19, 2022.

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  1. "The letter kills but the spirit makes alive," indeed. A body without its soul is a corpse and a religion without its spirit is likewise. By obsessing over rules, people hold the the sum of parts. They cannot transcend for to do so is to exceed the sum of parts.

    1. Rules were made for games. People play pointless games with each other all the time.

  2. People worship "the rules" as if that somehow brings them closer to God but on the contrary it brings them further away. All that matters is what is in your heart, The Spirit. The Way does not follow a list of dos and don'ts, The Life thinks for himself reacting to situations by his heart.

    1. The rules keep changing and have never been consistent across time and country. God is the only real standard.

  3. The letter kills, but the spirit makes alive. Following the whole law, and yet offending in one point makes you guilty of all. He has done away with these things and saved us in the process.
