Thursday, November 15, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Comedy, Pt. 16

In the beginning, there was a vase. It was a very pretty vase and belonged entirely to God. It was a gift from his favorite angel known as Lucifer. "I really like this thing," said God. "Ever since you gave it to me, I just cannot stop looking at it. I've been thinking about starting a little farm in it."

"A little farm?" asked Lucifer.

"Yes. Tiny little crops. Tiny little barn. Tiny little cows. Tiny little humans. A little blue flag right in the center. No goats. Can't leave humans alone with goats for even a day. Seriously, I just don't get it."

Lucifer nodded and replied, "I am happy you like your gift."

"Well you have always been good with gifts. It's weird because half the time you just spout off garbage, but then the gifts are really pretty."

"That is not the entire nature of my gift though," warned Lucifer.

"Eh? Oh wait. This is the part where you say and do stupid stuff again, isn't it?"

"Are you going to hear me out or not?"

God groaned and nodded. "Go on. I have five minutes."

Lucifer nodded and then took God's vase away from him. God raised an eyebrow as he watched. The angel then conjured a sledgehammer out of thin air. God's eyebrow raised all the more. And then, with all of his might, Lucifer brought the hammer down upon the vase so that it was shattered into many tiny pieces. God's eyebrow was just about floating off of his face as he saw this. Lucifer then proceeded to gather up all the pieces and placed them down before God. He stood there and smiled as if something great had occurred.

"Was that it?" asked God.

"Yes. Isn't it grand?"

"What? Giving me a gift and then smashing it to pieces?"

Lucifer sighed as he gestured to the rubble. "I have taken one thing and created many things from it. That is the true gift. Quantity. Many from one."

God sighed and covered his face in slight embarrassment. "Please tell me you are going somewhere with this, Lucifer."

"I shall attempt to enlighten you." The angel gestured once more to the rubble. "This was once a great thing owned by a great entity. But that was the problem. Why should you own such a great thing when everyone else lives without one?"

"Because you gave it to me," said God.

"And then I broke it to pieces," reminded Lucifer.


The angel raised a finger. "I'm not finished yet."

God despairingly rested his head in two open hands as he listened. Lucifer continued, "Now that there are many pieces, those pieces can now be given to those who did not have such things. The world shall be a better place for it."

"You're going to give the world garbage?" asked God.

"No, I am going to give them something far more valuable than garbage."

"Paper weights?"


God blinked and shook his head. "Wait, you agreed with me?"

Lucifer picked up one of the many pieces. "Everything has a use. Nothing is truly garbage. These little pieces still function regardless of their apparently broken forms. As a vase, it only benefited you, and you, as we all know, are merely the 1% of those who live within the universe. So I propose that life works much better if we break the wealth up into pieces and distribute what remains to all so that we all might be happy."

God gestured at the pile. "But its all broken!"

"I created quantity," stated Lucifer. "I took something you created and made more out of it."

"Wait... I created that vase?"

"Yes, I took it from your foyer just to make my point. I hope it was enlightening."

"I thought that thing looked familiar!" groaned God. "And what point did you make exactly?"

"I am also a creator. I can take what you make and create many from the one. All the pieces have use. They can be distribute to all people. We can all share in the wealth of God."

"But the things you... ugh... 'create' are... broken!"

"They merely exist in an altered state," explained Lucifer. "They are still useful to those who have them. Many people have paper that need to be weighted."

God groaned again. "Lucifer, do you actually hear the words that come out of your mouth? Do you even understand them?"

"I think that I understand them even more than you do."

"I AGREE!" snapped God. "I wholeheartedly agree. I don't understand even one iota of anything of what you said. And sadly, I am unsure if you are even capable of making me understand. It all sounds like garbage. Lucifer, you are not a creator. You are a tool. You live to serve me. If I want you to murder Chris, then you do it."

"Right now?"

"No, we're busy having a conversation right now. My point is that I sincerely feel that something has gone wrong with you. Nothing you say makes any sense."

"I am still right though. I shall prove it if you yet allow me to do so."

"Yes, fine," grumbled God. "Prove it. Prove everything. But know this: I am not happy with it. It is not the way things should be."

"I shall endeavor to prove you wrong," stated Lucifer.

"Fine," nodded God as Lucifer left his presence. God let out a depressed sigh. "Creation through destruction, he says. Everybody needs a paperweight, he says. Where did I go wrong with that guy?" To be continued.

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  1. An amazing parable! Evil measures by quantity whereas good measures by quality. Evil sees "more" where there is actually MORE OF LESS. My personal fascination with the HERO VERSUS THRONGS action scenario is that it celebrates EXCELLENCE as ONE besting MEDIOCRITY as MANY.

    1. A small number of great is worth so much more than a large number of near worthlessness.

  2. Destruction reduces things to a lesser state. It is good for clearing an area so that you can build there. Creation is what makes things better.

    1. But what about the people who need paper weights! Don't you feel for those poor people?!

  3. Fantastic! I loved how robotic and defiant Lucifer was, he values quantity over quality all in the name of his false notion of fairness. Creation through destruction is indeed a falsehood that only leaves you with broken pieces. This narrative continues to threaten us on a daily basis, fortunately there is still good in the world that believes in actual Creation.

    1. Yes this keeps going. It was invented all the way in the beginning though... and not by God.
