Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Comedy, Pt. 17

In the beginning, God left to get something to drink. He soon walked back into the room with the table on it. He was slurping on a soda and, at first, seemed completely normal. Chris was there standing in the same spot he always stood at, for he was not allowed to sit. It was at this very moment that God seemed to freeze up. He put the drink down on the table which snuffed out a rather interesting trinary system. Leaning over slightly, God pointed at Chris and asked, "What year is this?"

"What?" asked Chris.

"Just answer the question, Beavis."

"7BC?" replied Chris.

"Hmm," grumbled God. "Is that what you think?"

"Honestly, God, I'm not sure."

God sat down next to the table and sighed. "You know what, Dorian?"

"What's that?" asked Chris.

"I've come to a conclusion."


"I'm beginning to think you are a bit stupid." Chris was hurt by this, but God raised his hand. "No, don't start crying or anything. I'm not holding it against you. I made you stupid after all. I suppose it was fun to watch you act like a donkey once in a while."

Chris replied, "I don't really like being a donkey."

"Also part of the fun!" chuckled God. "But I think you lack the actual intelligence that most people of Earth actually have. You're an early model anyways. You're from a line that I wiped out for... what was it again?"

"I think you just did it to see if you could," whimpered Chris.

"Oh! Yes. That's right. Wow. You're really old, Horace. But then again, I don't think any of us are really all that old. We're still only in the beginning."

"The beginning?" asked Chris.

"Yes. In fact, you and I have always been here... in the beginning. Understand?"

"Not really. I thought it was 7BC."

"Yep. Still an idiot. Why don't we let the narrator explain things for us?"

Thank you. Now, as it happens, there are two major realms within utter existence: The Circle and the Line. God, Chris, Mr. Nobody, and Lucifer all existed within the realm of the Circle. The humans of earth such as Jonah and Moses all existed within the Line.

"Who is the narrator anyways?" asked Chris.

"He's just some idiot that figured out a few things about reality," replied God. "Doesn't really have the success to back any of it up, but when you're right, you're right. Please continue."

The Circle is as it sounds. It was in the shape of a circle, but all points of the Circle represented the beginning. The reason for this was because if you start at any point on a circle and follow it all the way around, it never really reaches an end. Yet... you still started somewhere, and that somewhere is always the beginning. God and Chris always resided at the beginning of things and the only reason Chris could not see this was because God was being mean to him.

"Or he's just an idiot," laughed God. "But please, continue."

Right. So you have the Circle which was in the shape of a circle. And within that circle there was a line. This line was actually called the Line. Unlike the Circle which had many beginnings, the Line only had one which was at the leftmost point.

"Why leftmost?" asked Chris.

God explained, "Left to right is a standard that I created, Bilbo. Leftmost begins and rightmost ends."

Yes. The point at the rightmost of the line was and is the ending of the Line. Where the Circle is an eternal creation, the Line is finite and will eventually disappear when the progression of time hits the rightmost point.

God remarked, "People may be surprised that I am actually just playing a video on my computer and the Line is just the progress bar. When it ends I'll probably never watch it again."

Now, as I had said, the Circle envelops the Line. What this means is that all points of the Line can be viewed or manipulated from the perspective of the Circle. God was capable of changing something on the far right end of the Line and then immediately fiddle with something on the left. Sometimes things done on the middle might actually cause things to happen earlier on. This was only possible through manipulation from the Circle, for people bound to the Line could only change things in one direction: from left to right."

"The only standard I allowed them," said God.

"Why only that?" asked Chris.

"Humans have a bad habit of wanting to erase history, Jordan. I don't think it would have been a good idea to actually give them the ability to do it. Nope. They only get to go in one direction, and that's final."

You may have trouble imagining it, but the perspective of those on the Circle... other than Chris'... was really quite fascinating. They were able to see the beginning and the end of everything happening on the Line. And presently a plan was being made to do something many might not expect.

"What is he talking about?" asked Chris.

"Simple, Brenda," grinned God. "I'm about to create the final line of humans."

"What? That doesn't make any sense. Isn't that them right there?"


"And you haven't made them yet?"


"How does that even make sense?"

"It doesn't make sense to you because you're an idiot," chuckled God. "The middle exists but the beginning is missing. I need to manipulate the middle of the Line in order to make the beginning make sense. It's all very complex stuff for you, I know. Don't worry. Just put on your feedbag and munch away. Something wonderful is about to happen, and after this... everything changes.

"But there is just one piece of this little paradox that I am going to need to make this work. And his name... is Mr. Nobody." To be continued.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it? Either way you can leave a comment below, or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. You can also visit my website at www.tkwade.com. Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. People will assume you're giving them a run-around of playful nonsense... but I get it. As a writer, I understand editing. The manuscript can be finished yet changed. It can also be read at any point, even the ending first then the beginning. Our reality was decided by things done and happening on the circle. We can see it... if we have eyes to see.

    1. The perspective from the Circle exists, but if you were always a being from the line, you would find this perspective very difficult to imagine.

  2. Time is a creation, so God exists outside of it. We are bound to time, so it is difficult to imagine someone who is not. Our limitations do not change what is.

    1. I think the most relevant part of this comment is that "time is a creation." It's good to see someone say that.

  3. Excellent description of the "circle and line", God's perspective vs our own. Chris is a real idiot for not getting it haha.

    1. A lot of people can't get this because of the bias of being on the Line.
