Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 1

In the beginning, God sat across the table from Lucifer as he dealt out the cards. Lucifer watched the cards land before him. His face was stone cold and slightly disinterested. When all the cards were dealt, the angel asked, “What are the rules of the game this time?”

God replied, “All cards are wild except the jokers. But that’s okay because I took the jokers out of the deck. Also if any of the aces get played it’s an instant win.”

“You have all of the aces, don’t you?”


Lucifer groaned. “Have I ever told you how much I hate playing Poker with you?”

“Yes,” replied God. “It’s part of the reason I keep asking you to play it with me. Either way, it will give us another opportunity to chat.”

“Good enough.”

At this moment, Chris walked into the room with the table. Chris was a simple mortal human that God had chosen to be his pet donkey, despite him still being a human. “Wait,” said Chris when he looked back and forth between God and Lucifer. “I thought you two were enemies.”

“Yes,” said Lucifer.

“Nope,” said God looking back at the angel.

Lucifer quickly changed his answer to, “No.”

Chris looked confused. God saw this and said to him, “You look confused, Henry.”

“My name is Chris,” corrected the mortal.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Fenwick. Any reason why you’re bothering us?”

Chris sighed. “It’s just that you and Lucifer never seem to get along. I thought he was your enemy.”

God chuckled as he looked at all of the aces in his hand. “Lucifer isn’t my enemy. Now the humans on the Line have got a few things to worry about, but I sure don’t.”

“How can you be sure?” asked Chris.

God eyed over at Lucifer and ordered, “Lucifer, please punch yourself in the face.” A moment later, Lucifer balled up his strong angelic fist and coldcocked himself… although he was all right a moment later.”

The only thing Chris could think of to say was, “Why would he do that?”

“Because he’s programmed that way. Now, if you don’t mind, Louie, we’re trying to play this game that I’m going to win. Go eat your donkey oats or something.”

After Chris wandered off, Lucifer spoke up, “You mistreat him.”

“Ah, you’ve noticed! Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about this whole genetic manipulation business you’ve been up to recently.”

“The hybrids?” the angel asked.

“Yes. Really not a fan. I understand you and your misguided angel friends like fiddling around with what isn’t yours, but nothing good has really come of it. It all seems to lead to slavery and death. Have you noticed?”

“The humans will die anyways,” returned Lucifer. “We just wish to give them a sense of order before their ultimate time arrives. Also, I do wish you would refer to these actions as what they truly are.”

“Abominations?” asked God.

“Creation,” said Lucifer. But then God started laughing. Lucifer remained stone-faced through it all.

God finally regained himself enough to say, “Sorry, I love how you joke with me sometimes. I keep forgetting you are one of my best creations. A lot of what you tell me just sounds so stupid.”

“It isn’t stupid,” said Lucifer through his teeth. “The things we have done have saved the humans on countless occasions.”

“Saved them how?”

“We keep their more wild tendencies under control. Surely you know about them.”

“I do. I rather like those tendencies. I just don’t see how angelic hybrids really make anything truly better though. Just feels like things are getting messed up.”

Lucifer was quiet as he watched God stare at all eight of his aces. A smile formed on his lips. He then asked, “Do you think that maybe you could do it better?”

“Yes,” said God calmly.

Lucifer was a bit surprised that the answer came so quickly. “Are you willing to try?”

“Sure, why not? But I shall focus more on individualism than with this silly thing you have with control.”

Lucifer groaned. “The whole point of the experiment is to control the masses.”

“No, that’s your point. I’m more about judgement and retribution. After that golden calf incident, I rather like seeing my own people slaughtered regularly. I shall focus on the individual and allow him the privilege of killing the people who deserve to die.”

“Very well,” agreed Lucifer. “And is there someone in particular that you have your eyes set on in this experiment?”

“Indeed, I do. His name is Manoah.” God placed down an ace… and then another one… and then another one… and then another one. Lucifer watched until about twenty aces were down before tossing all of his cards behind him.

To be continued.

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  1. VERY telling. Why do we assume God is bound to rules? He made every rule that counts, and only because they suit him. It is by HIS imagination and HIS creativity that the created exist and are capable of thinking and feeling. No amount of knowledge and power can overcome the very source of knowledge and power. ALSO: People are too proud to realize God enjoys their rebellious antics. Their pride renders them to stupid to realize they NEVER stand a chance against the guy who decides the chances.

    1. God is a rule breakers because he never really bothered with rules to begin with. He is beyond rules. He is allowed to cheat and is entirely righteous when he does so.

  2. God is not cheating, because he makes the rules. Still, the indifference is clear to see. I guess might really does make right.

    1. His indifference is not for you to judge. It demands respect. The creation tiers cannot be crossed.

  3. Hilarious, Lucifer sees himself as God's adversary but in reality God has no concern for his antics. God holds all the cards (and can make more as he needs them) so thinking you can beat him is insane. Lucifer's misses the point on all counts and God is going to show him all his Aces.

    1. The creator always stacks the deck in his favor. And even then he is allowed to cheat!
