Thursday, June 20, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 31

Christopher had been working on another potion when he overheard two people talking within an adjacent room. Being a Cynocephaly, he naturally had very good hearing. The conversation he heard went something like this:

Mystery Human 1: “Have you heard about that new band of marauders?”

Mystery Human 2: “Yes. A terrible lot. It is good we work within the palace where it is safe.”

Mystery Human 1: “Yes. Curse those villains. They are creatures of the Devil.”

Mystery Human 2: “Wait. Do you feel that?”

Mystery Human 1: “Feel what exactly?”

Mystery Human 2: “That creepy feeling that two eyes are glaring at you from an unseen location.”

Mystery Human 1: “Uh, yeah. I think I know what you mean. I wonder why that is.”

Christopher had stopped working on his potions for the moment. Instead he had positioned his snout only an inch away from the wall and was glaring with the creepiest face imaginable as he listen to the two mysterious humans talk.

But after a time, he began to seriously consider what he had heard. “The Devil?” he muttered to himself. “I’ve never heard of this person. I better ask my master. He knows everything!”

Presently, the king of Canaan was busy pinching himself. It was not something he particular enjoyed doing. But the way he thought of it, the more he pinched himself, the better sort of person he was. The pain was a sort of penance. But since it was not very much pain, he had to do it as often as he could find the time. This generally translated into about thirty pinches before bedtime, twenty in the morning, and as many as he could do under the table during big dinner meets. The king of Canaan was a very penitent sort of person.

So as the king was pinching himself, he suddenly came to the realization that two creepy eyes were glaring quite hard at him from behind. “Egad! How did you come in here?!”

Christopher suddenly smiled sweetly and replied, “Through the door, master.”

“But I locked it.”

“Yes, but the lock was simple.”

“You picked my lock?”

“Broke it, master.”

“Wha… But what for?”

“I had a question that I really wanted an answer to… and then possibly I could have some treats as well.”

The king was a tad nervous. “You broke the lock on my door just to ask me a question and get a treat?”

“Yes, master. But I was willing to wait for you to stop pinching yourself.”

The king of Canaan sighed and sat down. He picked up his treat bucket and said, “All right. Very well. What is your question?”

“Who is the Devil?” asked the Cynocephaly.

The king gasped. “Where did you hear about the Devil?”

“I heard two people talking about him in another room. Who is he?”

“Oh dear,” whimpered the king as he immediately crossed himself. Christopher saw this odd gesture. He knew it to be a common thing humans did when they were afraid. “We should not talk about him. You should continue to be a good servant and make potions for me when I ask you too. Would you like to have a treat?”

Christopher was making what was quite possibly the creepiest stare he had ever made. The king saw this glare and immediately had goosebumps. He reached into his treat jar and said, “Here, have a treat! Take all the treats!” And so the king continuously tossed treats at Christopher, but the Cynocephaly never caught them. He just stood there… glaring… creepily glaring… as little doggy treats slapped him in the face and fell to the floor below.

Later that night, Christopher sat in his room looking out at the starry night. After releasing a woeful sigh, he said to himself, “The king seems to fear the Devil. And if he does indeed fear him, then the Devil must be a greater king than he. Therefore I must go out and serve the Devil.” And so without waiting another moment, Christopher stood to his feet, made his way out of the palace, and went to go find and serve the Devil.

To be continued.

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  1. First of all: the perfect picture for that spooky glare of a cynocephaly. Yeah, if the king fears another creature, then the King of Canaan is no alpha. Christopher being the canine he is, he must venture out and find this one he thinks he should serve. Sadly, the Devil is not nice one.

    1. There's a bit of a chain of command happening here. Christopher is gonna climb it.

  2. The part where Christopher glares as the king throws treats was priceless, haha. He sees the truth for what it is, his master is afraid of the Devil. By the rules of his own nature his master should be one who fears none, so logically he should follow a new master.

  3. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. This canine obsession with following the alpha shows he is really just following his instincts. Part angel, and the other part is just an animal.

    1. I never got the idea he was sharp, but he was extremely good at everything he did.
