Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 33

Everdread was not really his real name, but that was how he was known. His name was a sort of clue to his personality and his profession. Everdread was the leader of a band of marauders that had been causing a lot of trouble in Canaan recently.

Of course, on the day in question, Everdread and his followers did not have any particular marauding planned. So they had taken to picking on a poor fox who had his tail burned. “What a pathetic thing you are!” shouted Everdread. “You’ll never be a proper fox with a tail like that.”

The Singed Fox’s feelings were hurt by those words. Being that he could somehow talk, the fox told him, “That wasn’t very nice. I’ll have you know that my tail was burned long ago by a great man who was the favorite of God himself.”

“Lies!” laughed Everdread.  “And even if it were true, why would you be proud of such a thing?”

“Due to the fact that the great, wise, and giggity Chicken Goat helped me find peace in that fact. He has since passed on, but only I have found the will to live for many generations through his counsel.”

“Well, you’ll find no favor with the likes of us. We do not like your God, nor do we like any of his creations. We don’t even like ourselves. Stay here any longer and we may consider making up some fox stew!”

“I’m not sure that would be very tasty,” whimpered the fox. “But as the wise and often jiggity Chicken Goat once said, “Guh blah! Gigigigi flibbity!”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” asked Everdread.

“I’m not really sure,” stated the Singed Fox. “But I just like the sound of it.”

“Get out of here!” snapped the chief marauder. The fox quickly ran away past a tall and glaring Cynocephaly.

“Oh? What have we here?” asked Everdread when he noticed the newcomer. “Another doggy wants to play?”

“My name is Christopher,” said the dog-headed man. “I am a Cynocephaly and a former charge of the king of Canaan. But I have left them to lend my services to you.”

“You have?” asked Everdread curiously. “And why is that?”

“Because I have heard that you presently serve the Devil, and that the Devil is the strongest in the world. Is that not true?”

“Aye, it’s true,” nodded Everdread. His men followed suit. “There is none stronger than the great Devil himself. We’ve tattooed ourselves with his likeness in places we dare not show.”

“I’d like to see them.”

“But we dare not show them. You may, however, join us if you wish. I have heard a great many things about you dog-headed people. You’ll be a great addition to our band… as long as you are fine with all the killing, rape, and pillaging you’ll be doing.”

“Is that what the Devil commands of me?”

“Aye. He does.”

“Then I will do what the Devil commands.”

“And his words be mine,” grinned Everdread.

“Then I will do what you say… master.” It is safe to say that Everdread really enjoyed being called that.

To be continued.

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  1. Hilarious homage with the fox, by the way. As for Everdread: he is a man who does what he wants when he wants to, yet he seems angry with every creature and with God himself. It seems Everdread lives a life of unfulfilling cheap thrills. He serves the Devil, indeed, and is starving spiritually because his only "sustenance" is the Devil's candy. Everdread fails to realize he's "molested" by the Devil, hence the candy.

    1. Some people just wanna be used, I guess. Being empowered often leads to that fate.

  2. The return of the singed fox was a hilarious touch. Everdread is still a beta as Christopher will soon realize. Everdread is just a chaotic tool.

    1. Yes, it is the sad state many humans find themselves in unfortunately. They asked for it though.

  3. I expect he will be surprised to learn that his master serves another. The devil can pretend all he wants. He has never been in control.
