Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 41

Christopher ended up in Lycia where he had heard Christians were being persecuted and martyred. During his time here, he spent his days giving his fellow Christians comfort. “Fear not, for the Christ is with you during these difficult times,” said Christopher. “Remember that Christ carried with him the weight of the world. I know this as a truth, for he sat upon my shoulder, and thusly I came to realize just how heavy the world is. And indeed, it is quite heavy. I nearly drowned. Egad.”

And the Christians of Lycia listened to what this strange dog-headed man had to say. He spoke so fervently about his encounter of Christ. It was hard to refute that he was telling the truth. There was a glow about him, a glow never before seen with the Cynocephaly.

“Christ is the greatest king of them all,” he told a crowd. “He is great even though he is so rarely seen. I imagine being a king so great comes with so great a responsibility that he is often too busy to make appearances. So that is why we look to the cross. The cross represents the Christ. And through him, we all shall be saved.”

And so crosses began to pop up all over Lycia. As much as the soldiers attempted to take them down, only more of them would rise. People were often seen kneeling before them and speaking as if to the Christ himself. Nothing could be done about it. The king of Lycia began to notice.

“There is more waiting for us than the paltry treats found here,” said Christopher. “There is a great place beyond where the treats are much nicer. These are the treats given to us by the greatest king of them all. If we are only to serve him, we shall be rewarded with treats so good that we may eat only once and be satisfied for eternity.”

Although this particular speech was a little confusing to the poor Christians of Lycia, it still had an effect. Many began talking about the great treats of Heaven, eternal mana of the great king. The world spread. The king of Lycia had finally had enough. He took in the breath of Satan and called for Christopher to be brought to him.

“You must stop this nonsense about Christ,” the king told him directly.

“Then who would I serve?” asked Christopher.

“Leto perhaps, for she is the great goddess of motherhood. Do we not love our mothers? Worship her instead.”

“I cannot do it,” replied the Cynocaphaly with a fiery glare. “I cannot do it, for I am a servant of Christ. He is the greatest king of all, and this goddess you speak of cannot be greater than He.”

“How do you know this?”

“Does she bear the weight of the world upon her shoulders? Has she ever shown this to anyone? What are the trials of motherhood to that of the entire world? I cannot serve her. I can only serve Christ.”

The king was put off by the terrible gaze of the dog-headed man. Still he persisted, “I will give you great riches if you will only serve Leto instead of the Christ.”

“No,” said Christopher simply.

“But you shall be as a great king in your own right. Kings do not serve other kings. There will be no reason to.”

“Christ is a king greater than all kings.”

“It will not be hard,” said the Lycian king. “All you will be required to do is make a simple sacrifice to Leto. After that, you may enjoy your wealth and serve Christ as you wish.”

“I will give nothing to Leto,” said Christopher sternly. “I will give everything of mine to Christ.”

Finally, the king became much too frustrated. He snapped, “Bah! You are impossible! But I think you will change your mind still. Go back to your home, and I shall send you an even better reason to change your mind.” And since the conversation had thus ended, Christopher turned and left the palace, still with his fierce gaze plastered firmly upon his doggy visage.

The king soon sent beautiful women to tempt Christopher, for he knew something of the Cynocephaly and how they had a love of beautiful women. And this was very true. However Christopher did not fall into temptation. In fact, Christopher converted these women into servants of Christ like himself.

This revelation frightened the king most of all. He saw that many citizens of his land were also becoming Christian converts to this dog-headed man. There was no helping it. There was nothing he could do. And so… it was decided that Christopher must simply be killed.

The king of Lycia then sent out a number of men to slay Christopher, but they ended up converts as well. One after another came to kill him, but ended up hearing about Christ. Christopher’s testimony was so powerful and wonderful to hear. Each and every soldier was soon falling to their knees before the cross, all because they heard a dog-headed man tell them about a greater king than the one they presently served.

There then came one fateful day that the king of Lycia stood within his private chamber. A giant-sized man walked in and stood at the ready. After taking a long drink of wine, the king turned and faced this creature of a man wearing full armor. To this strange soldier, the king spoke, “I’ve done everything I could. He’s spreading across Lycia like a disease. This cannot go any further. Please tell me that you will not fail in your quest, soldier.”

A deep and powerful voice spoke which sent rumbles across the floor of the room, “He will die.”

Later that night, Christopher was writing into a book when the doors to his home were torn off of its hinges. The dog-headed man stood and faced a giant of a man who bore a great sword. Christopher looked upon the giant and said, “I serve the Christ. He bears the weight of the world, and for a small time in my life, he gave that weight to me. Upon meeting you, I feel that weight once more.”

“Allow me to alieve you of it,” said the beast before running Christopher through with his sword.

A short time later, within the never-ending darkness of the night, the giant returned to his king with the body of the slain Cynocephaly. Dropping the corpse to the floor, the soldier claimed, “It is over.”

The king drank from a cup of wine a moment before slowly shaking his head. “Not yet,” he said softly. “It’s not over yet.” A tear fell from the king’s eye as he lowered his head. “No. This is far from over.”

To be continued.

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  1. Fascinating how the faith of a cynocephaly is from an alien perspective that still resonates. Christopher spoke as a cynocephaly yet humans were able to understand the gist, even when the particulars were confusing. He proved his faith by overcoming temptation even to the death. The king of Lycia realized the very memory of Christopher would continue his ministry.

    1. He was insanely capable of converting others to Christ. Even the most resistant could have their mind changed.

  2. What foolishness! They turned him into a martyr. I expect his death will inspire more to join the cause.

    1. They did and they knew it. But there was more to their plan. It was time for damage control!

  3. Christopher knew The Truth, he shared it with the masses to show them The Way. He was loyal to The King of Kings even to the death. The king of Lucia was a fool. Very well done, love what you did here.

    1. There was no other way to stop him. He was a legitimate danger to their agenda.
