Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight, Our Divine Spinoff, Part 34

“So was his name really Everdread?” asked God.

“What does it matter?” grumbled Lucifer.

“Seems like an odd name for a Canaanite.”

“His name basically translated into Everdread. I was just trying to be helpful.”

God sat up slightly. “Oh, yes. Very helpful actually. Although I’m sure his mother likely did not give him that name at birth.”

Lucifer explained, “We all have the natural right to choose who we want to be. Everdread chose to be Everdread. Yassib, although notable, was not really who he wanted to be. He changed it as a way to empower himself, and it worked.”

“It did?” asked God curiously.

“Everdread was nigh unbeatable as a marauder. He spent his life doing as he pleased and taking what he wanted. He was ultimately a free man.”

“At the expense of others though.”

“They were not empowered. The natural order of things give power to those who take it. Everdread took it, and he did so in my name.”

God played with his old man beard for a bit as he contemplated what Lucifer was saying. “I don’t normally follow you, Lucifer, but that was actually pretty straight forward.”

“Stop making fun of me,” grumbled the angel.

“I wasn’t,” chuckled God. “You laid that out well enough. I mean… it’s complete rubbish, but it makes sense when I consider where you’re coming from.”

The angel huffed in frustration. “I can never tell if you’re making fun of me or not.”

“Lucifer, it was by design that you were put before me so that you could shine light upon the dark and make clear what is unclear. That is how I made you. That is how I wanted you. In this way, you ought to be capable of explaining something like this to me.”

“You’re serious?”

“No, I’m impressed. And you didn’t need to break any of my vases to do it.” The old man sighed. “I just wish I saw more of it from you.”

“I do it all the time. If you just spent half of it listening to me, maybe you’d see that the things I am trying to say make sense.”

God shook his head. “Lucifer, you are not a god. You never will be a god.” Lucifer scowled but ultimately ended up looking depressed. God continued, “There is a sad thing happening here. When I created you, I was so proud of myself. I was proud of you. You were really one of the greatest creations I ever made. I still think of you as that. There’s even a little piece of my imagination in you.”

“What?” muttered the angel.

“You don’t even realize what you’ve done. Through your own insanity, you’ve created a fiction. This is something no other angel has been capable of doing. You actually did it… but sadly… you believed it. And worst of all… you’re trying so hard to live it.”

“It isn’t fiction. It’s real,” said Lucifer.

“You’ve gone insane, Lucifer. I doubt it is ever going to get better. If anything, it will likely get worse. But if you were to ever somehow change your mind and return to the way you once were, I would take you back with open arms. I loved you, Lucifer. I loved the way you were back when I pulled you out of the stars themselves.”

Lucifer looked away and sighed softly. “May I continue my story?”


To be continued.

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  1. Lucifer cannot spite God or teach Him a lesson. He can only "rebel" by DISAPPOINTING God, looking pathetic rather than wise or powerful. You should Lucifer did have the great opportunity to be wonderful... but he went insane by pretending to be something he was not.

    1. He really obsessed over it hard. It is his downfall.

  2. When he speaks of the natural order, he neglects to mention where that came from. He righteously believes that he should be able have whatever power he can take. But power without responsibility is tyranny.

    1. I think its more that he just makes stuff up and then believed in it. He IS a liar though!

  3. I liked when God said he actually understood Lucifer, of course Lucifer is wrong though. The part where God talked about how proud he was with his creation and the fact that Lucifer has made his own fiction was cool, the disappointment is in the fact that Lucifer believes his own fiction. Lucifer is stuck in his own lie.

    1. God is a creature from the darkness. Lucifer is basically his lamp. Or it should have been that way.
