Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: God

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to the origins of God or a god. Among atheists, there seems to be a trend to say "How can we possibly know that a god exists?" and then leave the question there without bothering any further. Even if any amount of evidence is given, they will always fall back on "How do you know?"

It isn't easy to prove the existence of God because he exists outside of time and space. We often times point towards strange happenings as well as the advent of Jesus to provide evidence, but it is true that actually showing God himself can fall deeply into the realm of the extremely difficult if not impossible.

In order to explain God, we have to explain him in ways we are familiar with. I often times see him playing golf in a fashion more similar to polo. Does that mean he plays golf at all? No. It's more of my brain trying to process something that's presently inconceivable. Remember... we are trying to explain someone who created something that did not previously exist. He isn't here. He was never here. He's stuck in a room inconceivably larger than our universe.

Let's say you want to make a little creation for yourself. You take a box and fill it with all the things you think should be in that creation. The only problem is... you can't fit in the box. You can still change things as you wish. You can move things around... or destroy them. You can take a bucket of water and dump the contents into the box, creating your own Great Flood. None of these things will ultimately effect you though.

False gods are interesting too. God can place little animal figures within the box that the people inside there may choose to worship. These little gods can represent different things such as fertility, war, love, the color blue. It really doesn't matter what they represent, but the one thing they never seem to represent is anything having to do with God. They always represent things that already naturally exist within the box. For this reason, they are false because they exist within the box already. They are themselves created beings. Worshiping a false god is a bit like sending prayers to a pencil in the hopes that it will do the job of a pencil, and if it ever runs out of lead, it must be upset with you or something.

Since God is 100% removed from the box, he is technically in charge of everything to do with it. And since he is entirely uncontested in every decision he makes concerning the box, he is righteous for every action he takes. He creates every standard for all things that is... concerning the box and only the box. Everything outside the box has absolutely nothing to do with you, and so you don't really need to worry about that... at least right now.

Seems a little oppressive, yeah? Well, it's not as bad as it sounds. For one, it seems that there has been a hand extended out to us. I don't blame God for sending his Son to us. I've created a number of worlds myself that... I feel very close to. I've seen people and places that are dear to me. I know of characters that I want to be happy and succeed at their dreams. It's not difficult to understand an artist falling in love with his art. Sometimes you just want to just let them go and watch them do whatever it is they want to do.

Oh... and there is nothing wrong with trying to figure God out. In fact... you should. You should try to understand him. You may never completely get there, but there isn't anything wrong with looking up into that blue sky and wondering why it turned out so beautiful... and why we think it's beautiful at all.

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  1. WONDERFUL blog, especially that last line. Most people fail to even bother to GO THE SOURCE, of anything. They stay on the surface where they feel safe. They fear what lurks in the deep dark. This is why they prefer their false gods. The false gods are merely bigger pieces of the game, not the actual players. By PLAYERS, I do mean the Trinity. Interestingly, Jesus invited 24 of the pieces to hop off the board and join in playing the game.

    1. Even many Christians keep from actually looking into their own religion. It's pathetic.

    2. Indeed. They'd rather feel good than know the Truth.

  2. Something does not come from nothing. To have a watch, you must have a watchmaker. To have a creation, there must be a Creator.

    1. Yeah, this is why it seems like it requires more faith to be an atheist.

  3. Loved your analogy of the box, false gods do indeed represent things that were already in the box as they are the source of nothing. We should bother to try to figure God out, it gives us a perspective for our place inside the box. Creating is making a box of our own, God is of course the source of all but we can make something cool within his creation.

    1. There is nothing wrong in trying to understand God. He's there. Go look for him.
