Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Three Times Before the Cock Crows

Fairy Tales love numbers. The number 3 is particularly overused in the old stories. You see them a lot in Grimm tales. Numbers are important when it comes to the meaning of things. Repetition in threes can often be the sign of spiritual relevance or the action of a rite.

There was a particular incident in the Holy Bible where the apostle Peter declared that he would would never betray Jesus and deny that he knew him. But Jesus politely disagreed and predicted that he would do exactly that a whopping 3 times before the cock would crow. Now, I am sure this must have greatly upset Peter to hear. He may have even wept to hear it, but I cannot confirm that.

I am sure that Peter certainly must have believed that he could not do this at the time. The fact of the matter is that when he was asked if he knew Jesus later on, he did deny him three different time. He did that because he was afraid that he would be likewise arrested or punished for associating with someone who was presently being persecuted.

You may have personally been in a similar situation. Society often forms it's own dogma which can lead to the persecution of certain people or groups. Even if that group is perfectly fine, you could still get into trouble if found to be associated with it. There may come a time when someone may suspect you and challenge you to see if you either claim complicity or deny that person or group out right.

Out of fear of personal persecution and the hope to live a safe life, you may be tempted to lie and deny that you are associated. But if you do this, I guarantee you that it will not truly benefit you to do this in the long run. For one, those people will not really be quelled by it. They will demand that you renew these claims constantly, and you shall never find true peace. Also... to deny the truth will be to your eternal shame. Unless divinely inspired, you will never overcome the betrayal of your own conscience.

Peter messed up. He got scared, and he did betray Jesus, and Jesus had correctly predicted that outcome. Peter was shamed by what he did. He did not have the courage to stand his ground against the mob. And once he had denied his association with Jesus 3 times, he heard the cock crow. It was his reminder that he had fallen to his own fear, and here he really did weep. That's not something he ever recovered from, I assure you.

Remember this story, and apply it to your life. If you have a friend who is being wrongfully persecuted, you should stand up for that friend. Claiming association could bring a lot of hate and even hurt your way, but this is the only life you got. Make the right call. Don't sell your soul for the one that you love or care about. If you do, you will never gain anything for it, and your friend's fate shall be removed from you by your own choice. You gave him up. It would be a wonder why you ever called him a friend in the first place.

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  1. Jesus saw what was in Peter's heart, his decision was already made. Out of fear he denied his friend in his hour of need. The lesson is to be true no matter what the cost. If we let the world change our heart at a whim we are lost and carry eternal shame.

  2. Pride leads people to make empty professions. It is better not to make a claim than to make one and not live up to it. One's words must be backed up by their actions.

    1. There are people in this world who need to be stuck by.

  3. I was the one denied when I read this. The failing of Peter was especially sad to me accordingly. His failing was not one that angers, but rather one that is uninspiring. it left Jesus with a heavy heart... and Peter felt that heaviness and was ashamed.

    1. I have no doubt that Jesus was hurt by knowing that would happen.
