Thursday, December 27, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: After Our Divine Comedy

With every beginning there comes an end. From the moment I started writing Our Divine Comedy, I always knew that I would have to face its conclusion and move on to whatever was next. And what's next? Back to more fairy tales. I just want to go back to what I was doing before that damned hurricane came and fiddled with my mind.

I am not entirely sure if my memory is correct, but I do believe that I once called the Bible a fairy tale. And if I didn't, I would like to at least make the statement officially right now. The Bible is a fairy tale. This sentence tends to make some people uncomfortable. I bet it makes most atheists rather pleased, but I do want to point out that I actually do consider the Bible to be a work of truth. The events did happen.

The term "Fairy Tale" does not denote fiction. It simply means that it is a tale and that there are fairies included in that tale. If you have an understanding of what angels, demons, and other strange creatures are, the Bible really is a fairy tale. But it is also true. I have seen too much proof of it. I just feel that the story is a bit more silly than most religions make it out to be.

On that note, I am not against organized religion. I completely support it... perhaps from a distance. Organized religion keep the stories alive, but they do so with a certain pomp and reverence that I just don't want to take upon myself. Never saw the point. But if you are going to subscribe to a religion, I flatly expect you to follow those rules. I won't respect you if you don't. If you are going to be a Baptist, Pentecostal, or even a Catholic, I expect you to follow the tenets of those respective religions. But I won't... because I am not a part of any of those things. I'm just trying to figure it all out on my own. I may end up wrong, but I'm pretty sure being wrong isn't a sin.

From here on out, we are going to go back to the fairy tales. We're going to dive into tropes and stories that have stood the test of time... and maybe a few which didn't. We'll look into modern tales as well. I love things like this. I truly love them. And I hope you all will enjoy what is yet to come.

As for Our Divine Comedy, I'm preparing to turn it into a book. There may also be an audio drama in the works as well. So I'll still be fiddling around with it. This story came straight from the heart. It may have been silly and often insane, but it was based on stuff I honestly believed in. If you can get past all the jokes, there was some truth mixed up in there. I am honestly very happy to see it complete. Thanks to those who read it and provided feedback. I love you all. Maybe someday, I'll see you all... in the beginning. ~T.K. Wade

Thank you for reading my blog. If you have something to say, you drop a comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books while you're there! Thanks!


  1. Honesty is your policy and is the best policy out there.

    1. It's what I do. They call me... Honesty Man! (They don't really call me that...)

  2. Excellent work with "Our Divine Comedy", I look forward to more fairy tales. Indeed the reality of the fairy tale of creation is silly, otherwise it would be boring. Religions tend to suck the life out of the fairy tale. Those very few who can see the silliness for what it is and be inspired by it are truly blessed.

    1. Fairy tales often give us insights into the underworld of our history. These are things that we are usually a bit too uncomfortable to acknowledge. It isn't always safe there.

  3. Religion is often an excuse to tell others what to do. Just like scripture, it can be twisted to one's purposes. But if you do not care, then it has no value.

    1. Personal agendas against God can skew things a bit too.
