Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Creation Tiers

Hi there. First, let me explain what you are actually seeing here. I am going to be working on Our Divine Spinoff for a while, and I just got to missing doing my usual Fairy Tale Spotlight blogs. I figured it would not hurt to toss one in the middle once in a while while I continue working on it. Don't worry. This blog is not going to interrupt Our Divine Spinoff. I am still posting two chapters a week. If you are reading this and wondering if I am just not posting a new episode of Our Divine Spinoff this week, think again. I post Our Divine Spinoff on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Any intermittent extras will come out on Wednesdays, like this one. That's three blogs per week... if I choose to do an extra one.

Another thing I want to mention is that I have already published Our Divine Comedy to the Amazon store. I'll provide some information about it at the bottom of this blog. But first I want to talk about something that I skimped on a bit in that very book: The Creation Tiers.

The Creation Tiers is a term coined by me that is used to explain the difference in the relationship between God and the creations of God. It lays out the very basic foundation of my views of the divine in relationship to us and was a major part of my perspective found in Our Divine Comedy and Our Divine Spinoff. Let me attempt to lay it out for you as clearly as possible.

God and the Holy Spirit rests atop of everything (that we are abstractly aware of) in a place I call the Circle. It is a place without time. It is the reason God is aware of the past, present, and future. This place is known as Creation Tier 1. Creation Tier 1 existed before, during, and after the creation of the universe. It holds within itself the incomprehensible origins of God and his Holy Spirit.

The known universe, the solar system, earth, human beings are all direct creations of God: They exist in a place I call the Line. Time exists here. Everything moves from the past to the present and into the future in one direction. People themselves are only aware of the present and somewhat aware of the past through word of mouth, documentation, and memory. None of the former things I mentioned are related to Creation Tier 1. Therefore the latter items exist entirely on Creation Tier 2.

Additional: Other creations of God exist within Creation Tier 2. This includes all angels, cherubs, archangels, and Lucifer (Satan) himself. These beings are anything like us biologically, yet they still exist within the same Creation Tier. Lucifer stands with us as a creation of God. We both exist because of choices God made. We are together in this way.

What about Demons? Demons are a corruption of the nature found in Creation Tier 2. Even though produced through the actions of angels (or likely in this case... devils), the demons produced are the mere combined genetics of of two Creation Tier 2 creations. Therefore, the produced demon remains a product of Creation Tier 2. Satan will often refer to demons as his creation. This is a lie. They were not created at all, only begat.

What is Jesus? Jesus is a conduit between Creation Tier 1 and Creation Tier 2. He is the only one in all of history who had held this title. The reason for this is because he is a human man existing on the Line but possessed by the Holy Spirit. This is why, through him, we may have access to eternal life within the Circle.

Relationships and judgments: A being from Creation Tier 2 cannot fully understand, comprehend, or cast judgement upon a being from Creation Tier 1. For this reason, no man can fully understand God or the Holy Spirit. No man can fully comprehend God or the Holy Spirit outside of the abstract. No man can cast any judgement of any sort upon God or the Holy Spirit for the lack of the former two aspects, namely understanding and comprehension.

Beings from the same Creation Tier are perfectly capable of judging each other. Men can judge other men. It is just that simple. Likewise, men can judge the angels as well as Lucifer himself. Also likewise can the angels judge us--the latter being understandably dangerous and unnerving.

What is Creation Tier 3? Creation Tier 3 occurs when and if beings from Creation Tier 2 create some form of life of their own. They do not have to be biological, but must be a self-sustaining (no longer needing any assistance from Creation Tier 2 to continue existing). Creation Tier 3 does not presently exist.

This ends my very basic explanation of the Creation Tiers. I hope it helps you understand my perspective on how it all works. If you have any questions on any part of this blog, I encourage you to leave it in the comment section of the blog. I will do my best to help you.

Now, as I said at the beginning, I have published a book for the Our Divine Comedy blog. The book is called Our Divine Comedy - A Story about God, Lucifer, and some guy named Chris. If you have already read the blog, then great. But the book has far more content. It includes a full commentary after each chapter to better explain what I was getting at. The book is recommended for all people, especially Christians and the general open minded population of this planet. The book is also very irreverent, so... if that bothers you, look elsewhere.

Here is some information as well as a link to the Amazon page:

Kindle Edition - $3.33 (Click here!)

Paperback Edition - $13.33 (Click Here!)

Click here to check out all the books I have for sale!


  1. You did well explaining something generally beyond comprehension. Jesus did so through parables. Your book OUR DIVINE COMEDY is a parable. Jesus said he would eventually reveal things outright. You are proving a Christian by following his examples by following his every step.

    1. This should not be beyond us. We should always be seeking the truth.

  2. If you do not have all knowledge, you have none. All of our conjectures will lead us around in circles. We can communicate what has been demonstrated, but the rest is unknown.

    1. Never stop trying to understand. Be prepared to fail. There is no sin in failing but there is a sin in never trying.

  3. Love the way you explain your concept of creation tiers, you made it very clear and concise. People don't get what is meant when Jesus proclaimed "No one comes to the Father except through me", The Father is a creation tier above us and we cannot relate to him except through Jesus. Worshiping something on a tier below us is insane and stupid, but it keeps happening from the golden calf to artificial intelligence.

    1. Jesus is the conduit by which we can be saved.
