Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 14

God came back to the table and poured Lucifer a strong drink. “What is this?” asked the angel.

“I didn’t look,” said God. “I don’t usually touch the stuff myself, but I’m feeling a bit generous today. Was thinking about sharing a drink with you today.”

“What for?” asked Lucifer with obvious suspicion.

God placed a filled glass up to his lips before asking, “Lucifer, have I ever actually needed a reason for anything I’ve done?”

Lucifer picked up the glass. “Touché.”

God continued as Lucifer drank, “I’ve done many things in my life, but I have to say that this little outing with Samson has been the pinnacle of my overall enjoyment. I wanted to thank you.”

The angel was incredulous. “Thank me?”

“Of course,” nodded God. “I’m inspired by a great many things, but your stupidity finally paid off. Samson is amazing.” He held up his glass. “So thanks for being an idiot, Lucifer.”

Lucifer just glared at God as the almighty being downed the glass. The angel sighed and looked back to the table. “There is nothing good or just about that thing down there. The beings I create are far less destructive. They create order.”

God coughed. “I know. They’re boring.”

“They thrive though. Your Samson will fail.”

“You’re confident in that, aren’t you, Lucifer?”

“Yes, I am. I have seen something within him that I have seen before.”

God nodded. “I know the weakness you’re referring to. I told you that you could make your move, and I meant it.”

“And I shall validate my original point in the process,” added Lucifer.

“That… is yet to be seen.”

Lucifer placed his glass to the table and gestured down to Delilah. The woman pouted, “You made a fool of me! How could you?”

Samson rolled his eyes. “I wanted kinky, woman, but a slew of soldier in the same bed as we is a bit less to my liking. But admittedly it was fun to kill them all, so I cannot be too mad at you. Also you have nice boobs.”

“Samson!” she cried.

“Yes, I am here, my dear. Shall I take off my pants or shall you do it? How dexterous are you with your teeth?”

“Samson! No lies this time! Tell me what it takes to subdue you! Can’t you tell that I love you?”

“This again,” he groaned.

“Please? I love you, Samson. I won’t call in the Philistines again. I promise. Can’t you see truth in these eyes?”

If Samson was to seek truth in her eyes, he would not have found it, but sadly, he had not been looking into her eyes at that particular moment. He had been looking at two other things. And so Samson said to her, “If anyone ties me securely with new ropes that have never before been used, I’ll become as weak as any other man.”

“Are you sure this time?”

“Yeah… sure. Take off your clothes.”

“That’s the second lie,” said God.

Lucifer nodded as he rolled the glass in his fingers. “I know.”

“And another group of Philistines just bit the dust.”

“I know.”

“Are you having as much fun as I am, Lucifer?” Lucifer did not answer.

To be continued.

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  1. This was very telling in that it showed WHY God is doing what he's doing. God is having fun. The other things come naturally. Lucifer is trying to apply logic to whimsy. Samson is whimsical. The Philistines keep using logic against him... and they die in droves for it. Lucifer is indeed the fool because he still cannot see that his idea is a memorization of HOW instead of an understanding as to WHY. Even when God tells him outright, Lucifer remains proudly clueless.

    1. Fun is often destructive in some way... but its fun! There is often a destructive element in creation interestingly.

  2. Lucifer does not create anything. He only perverts what has been created. So, he really has no basis of comparison.

    1. Yeah, he just destroys things and pretends he did something amazing.

  3. The conversation that God has with Lucifer is one of the creator and the creation, Lucifer will never grasp the idea of "just because", cold logic has no place within a creator. Lucifer can see Samsons weakness to the flesh and only this, he does not see why God is amused with Samsons actions. Loved the part at the end "And another group of Philistines just bit the dust" haha.

    1. Well, he can't. He isn't programmed that way. Wrong creation tier. He is basically trying to understand God based on his own programming. We have a similar failing.
